Chapter 12

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I shuffled around my apartment trying to get ready. I ended up taking a nap and didn't wake til 6:34. Now I have to hurry up and get ready for this meet up with Louis. I can't believe he apologized and wants to talk to me. I can't believe I'm getting all dressed up for this anyway.

I put on a white v-neck, my tightest jeans, and some boots. I showered myself with cologne and brushed my teeth three times.

I ended up being in the bathroom for ten minutes trying to do my hair. I finally got pissed off and just decided to throw on a beanie

I hope I look good.


*Louis' POV*

I sat in the booth, munching on some apple pie. I glanced at the clock. 6:53. I had been at the diner since six. I wanted to be there just in case Harry came early. I was super nervous.

What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he doesn't wanna be friends? What if he's just coming to tell me off like he did last night?

Just then I heard the diner door ring. In came Harry looking stunning. He had his hands deep in his pockets of those jeans that fitted him perfectly. He was wearing a v-neck that gave a tiny peek of his swallow tattoos and he was wearing a beanie that had some of his curls sticking out.

Ugh he's adorable.

I don't know if I came to terms of being gay. For years I had bullied Harry for being gay when I was just afraid and jealous because Harry had the balls to come out.

Well I did force him into coming out, but that's not the point. I was also jealous of him because of his looks. Man if looks could kill, Harry would be a murderer. He's so gorgeous. Tall, tan, thin, and muscular. He had girls and guys falling at his feet while no one paid attention to me. I was angry and bitter for so long...

I smiled at him as he walked over. He didn't smile back though, he just stared at me.

Yeah he's not gonna forgive me.

"Hi" he said sitting down across from me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Kay what do you want?"

"Um I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I did to you, Harry. I'm an arsehole I know."

"You already apologized, tell me why you treated me like shit, Louis" he said getting straight to the point.

"Um...I was...I was mad at you f-for so long. I was mad because people liked you and you were nice and cool and good-looking and stuff..."

Harry's eyes grew wide, but he nodded slowly telling me to continue.

"I was afraid and jealous because you came out and..."

"Aaannndd?" Harry pushed.

"I don't think I'm straight..."

Harry's mouth dropped but he composed himself. "Okay. So you were mad and you bullied me because I came out and you didn't come out?" he asked raising a brow.

I nodded.

"And you were jealous because I'm 'good-looking' and you think you aren't?" he continued.

I nodded again.

" picked on me for three years because I'm gay and you couldn't come to terms with your own sexuality and cause you were jealous of me?"

"Y-yes" I studdered.

Harry nodded. "Kay..."

"I'm really sorry, Harry. I was just mad at myself for liking guys because my parents are very religious and are always talking about how wrong it is to be gay. I tried really hard to not be attracted to you...I was terrified and the only way that made me feel better was to hurt you. I figured it if I picked on you because of your sexuality, my feelings for you would go away and I would turn straight..."

"What? l-liked me?" Harry asked shocked.

I nodded.


"Yeah, I know."

There was an awkward pause for maybe ten seconds. I look over at Harry and he was chewing on his lips, pondering his thoughts.

"I forgive you."

My head snapped up from my plate. "Y-you do?"

"Yeah. That was years ago and I now understand why you did what you did. It wasn't right, but I learn to forgive and forget. Curse my big heart."

I giggled. "Thanks for understanding, Harry. I really think you're a great guy...I always did. I just hope we can move on."

Harry smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Soooo...can we like hang out and be friends?"

Harry bit his lip. "Sure why not?"

My smile grew bigger. "Thanks that means a lot to me."

"No problem."

I took another bite of my pie. "Um...I ended up cancelling my plans for this so do you wanna hang for the rest of the night?" I asked.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but his phone started ringing. He muttered a quick 'sorry' and pulled it out, putting it to his ear.

"Hello? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Liam calm down...Niall is what?....No! How? Broken?! Yeah....yeah I bet it was him...okay I'll be there in a few...okay...bye."

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Niall. Liam just called and was freaking out. Niall came to his dorm and he was hurt. He has bruises and blood all over him and Liam thinks that he broke his ribs."

"Oh my god" I gasped.

"Liam and I think Zayn beat him up again."

"Zayn? Zayn Malik?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yeah he's in my Biochemistry class."

"Well he's Niall's bully and Niall's roommate."

"Whoa" Is all I say because what else was I suppose to say?

"I gotta go, I'm sorry."

"That's fine. We can hang out another time."

"Alright cool" Harry said standing up.

"Wait! Can I go with you? I mean I know Liam, he's one of my best friends. Maybe I can help?" I bit my lip.

Harry smiled. "Sure."

I got up and followed Harry out the diner.

Well this has turned into some night, but as long as I'm with Harry it's worth it.

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