Chapter 5. Broken traditions

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I know the picture is surge from Marvel, but this is what it looks like when you discovered your powers.

Your pov.

You reached your home, scared. You have powers! You freaked out, what if the police were after you? You flopped down on the couch and turn the tv to the news channel. Luckily nothing was on about you, it was all about Spider man.

"At least Spider man cares about people and there feelings...Unlike Peter." You muttered to your self. You watched the news, all about spider man. You wanted to save people but you barley even knew what powers you had.

You then got a bright idea. getting off the couch you sprinted up the spiraled stairs, And ran into the empty guess room. It didn't even Have a bed, It was a light purple painted room, it was huge! You walked to the window, Closing the curtains so no one could see what you were doing.

You started closing your eyes, concentrating. You were trying to figure out your powers, You keeped your eyes closed tight, Focusing. Then it happened, You looked at your fingers and saw electricity coming from your hand. Your eyes turned all white, like lighting. Electricity then surrounded you. You stood there amazed. Then your feet quickly rose above the ground, You were flying! Then you quickly dropped to the ground, And you stood up and fire spread across the room.

"AAHH!" You screamed as the Fire blocked the only exit, you then thought about water putting it out. You eyes widen when you saw a dark cloud float over the fire, and then it started raining, and the fire was put out, "I control Nature too?!"

You were so happy. You were screaming of joy. But then you stopped.

What would your family and friends think about you? Especially peter, You were a freak....You had powers.....


You woke to your alarm, wanting to kill it. You quickly sprang up, taking a shower. You got dressed, You wore Black jeans with rip in them, a White shirt that said 'I don't give a fudge' and Black Jordan, You grabbed your backpack and Peter jackets. And headed to school.

You were debating whatever or not you should walk to school with peter, But you convinced yourself you had to walk to school with him, it was a tradition. But you were so tired of Peter leaving randomly out of no where.

But you now had a secret, You can fly, control electricity and nature. You reached Peter house, and knocked on the door, and surprisingly Peter answered, With his school clothes on and his backpack.

"(Y/N" Peter muttered quietly. You were stunned. was he going to go to school without you?

"Were you going to walk to school with out me?" You questioned. You were very mad, It was silent with the pitter patter of the rain, You wore Peter jackets so you weren't as cold. You were very mad, It was a tradition to walk to school together but he wanted to break it?

"Look, (Y/N) It just-" Peter said, looking down at the ground. But then he was cut off by a to familiar voice.

"Hey Pete!" There stand the blonde, Gwen Stacy, "Ready to walk to school?"

You Turned to peter, almost crying. You loved him, and you felt he just rejected you by doing this.

"Really Peter?" You almost yelled, You quickly took off his jackets and threw it at him. "You broke our tradition, To walk to school with her?!"

You didn't care if that offended Gwen Stacy, you were pissed. You were trying to control your anger so Your powers don't act up. You read enough comics to know when a superhero get mad, there powers act up.

"(Y/N)" Peter started to say.

"No." You said pushing Gwen as you ran away from Peter house, You ran far so you couldn't see peter house yet. You were now Drenched in water, You then started to walk and cry. And then you bumped into him....Flash Thompson.

"Hey (Y/N" Flash said, noticing your tears, "Are you okay?"

You didn't answer, You stood there shivering and curing your self for not bringing a jacket.

"You must be freezing." Flash said, taking off his letter man Jacket and wrapping it around you.

"Why are you being so nice?" You questioned.

"Because, Why Can't I?"

Hey! I had To rewrite this (Copy and paste) and re-publish this. Wattpad wasn't publishing it for some reason. It was really weird. So if you see two Chapter 5 then you know why. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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