Chapter 32. Agent

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"SAM!" You heard Ava voice yell out, you then heard Sam yell oww, and you heard Ava keep hitting his arm. Your eyes fluttered open to Ava punching Sam, Luke eating a chicken bone and Danny standing by your bed side. You quickly put your hand on your head out of pain.

"Where am I?" You said lowly, groaning at your horrible headache. Ava stopped yelling st Sam and turned to you in shock, Luke quickly threw his chicken bone on the ground and ran to your bed side, Danny looked up at you mouthed dropped and Sam stood there in disbelief, rubbing his bruise marks.

"YOUR AWAKE?!" Luke yelled, you groaned as his volume of his voice for it irritated your headache, he then apologized and lowered his voice.

"Your finally awake." Danny whispered, you flew up and sat on the edge of your bed side which look awfully like a hospital bed.

"What do you mean finally awake?" You said as your feet hanged from the side of the bed, your friends got up from the ground and there stared at you, water coming to their eyes. They wore their regular street clothes, Ava had the worst reaction, she cried so much.

"They, um....." Sam started but couldn't seem to finish his sentence he then changed the subject, "How do you remember us? I thought you lost your memory...."

"I LOST MY MEMORY?!" You yelled, Sam then jumped back.

"You didn't lose your memory....apparently..." Danny said, he then held your hand. And very softly he told you something, "I think it time to meet....Peter."

"Peter?" You said as the words left your mouth you almost cried, "I.....I don't know...I-"

Ava and the gang then walked out of the room and you heard low voices, you were so confused. What happened? What did they mean by loss memory? Or that you are finally awake? You lied back on your hospital bed and sighed. Then you heard the door open, you didn't bother to look, you already knew who it was.

"(Y/N)?" The voice said, shaky and seemed like the person been crying. His shoes clanked on the white marble floor, you tensed at every single footstep until it stopped right in front of your bed side. You look up to see the on and only Peter.

"Peter." You whispered out, he then put his hand on your cheek and he stuttered out a tear which landed on your hospital gown.

"I thought I was going to lose you." He cried out, as he face got red and he shook, more tears streamed down his pale cheeks.

"Peter, I need answers. I need to know what happen." You said as you stared into his handsome brown eyes.

"I, I webbed your waist and pulled you down to the ground very hard....I then went to go fight goblin and save Gwen myself. Harry then choked me out while Gwen was hanging by my webb for dear life. You magically came and try to get Harry off of me, but the gear snapped and Gwen started falling. I went after Gwen, but you were much faster and you caught her and I grabbed her  by the webb, but you-" Peter said but gulped and hesitated to say the next part, he started crying more, it then hit you, you remembered everything about the other night and what happen, but you don't know how you blacked out or ended up here, "You hit the concrete so could hear your head crack. I ran down to you and held on to your body, you were drenched in your own pool of blood. Your beautiful hair turned a very dark red and your costume was all red. I- "

"Peter, where am I? How did I survive?" You said as Peter leaned over your face, and you wiped away the tears falling down his pale face.

"I quickly called for S.H.I.E.L.D and they got you. They said you were gone...dead, but I begged  them to put you on life support. They did, for my sake and they thought you were gone forever, until you showed improvement  a week ago-" Peter said but you stopped him.

"A week ago?! How long was I out?!" You cried out, he closed his eyes.

"A year."

"A YEAR?!" You screamed, "I have to be at France! My mom will kill me! What about school? what about-"

"Don't worry, your mother allowed you to stay in New York with Aunt Mae and I, but she haven't visited you at all. And school, we told them you were in a serious accident."

"What about Max Dillon? Did he live?" You asked, you knew and remembered that you have killed him, but if it was possible that you survived he could to, right?

"(Y/N) I am so sorry.....when we reached was to late...He dead. They already had his funeral, the sad part is....No one showed up but me, Gwen and a news reporter."

You cried so hard, it seemed you ran out of tears. Who could not care for Max Dillon! Sure you didn't know him personally but he have to had some friends. But hearing that Gwen had went to the funeral gave you happiness that you have saved someone, "Gwen! I saved her! Right?" You yelled out.  But Peter gave a sad look.

"She did survive but she suffered serious whip lash. It was so bad that she in a coma, and she hasn't shown any improvement or any sign of coming out of it." Peter sighed out, your face froze and a tear streamed. You ruined her life, and she missing her life, a year of it and even more. what if she never wakes up?

"(Y/N), I am sorry, but you did save her life. She will, I promise, She will wake up." Peter insured you. But how could he be so sure. You were positive that if you sucked electro powers Max will live, but he didn't. You hugged Peter and cried more until the door open to your hospital room opened again, revealing a man in all black and an eye patch. You pulled away from your hug and stared at the eye patch guy.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. I am director Fury and I am glad to have you here, now I have some news." Fury said, he got a chair and pulled up right next to your bed side, right next to Peter. Fury had a yellow folder and put it on your lap, "This folder contains your DNA AND BLOOD TEST. My workers and I are amazed and very confused that you survived a fall like that, we did many blood test and figure out you have another power....Healing."

"Healing?" You asked, taking the folder and examining the blood work, Fury explained that the blood test prove that you have a secret power.

"Now, your healing powers took a while to work because of how much blood your lost, how fast you hit the ground and how the fractured your skull, bones, ribs and everything. You are very lucky to have these secret powers." Fury said, fury then turned to Peter and gave him a mad look "So when Peter pulled you down to the ground and you couldn't move, that was when your healing powers were working to heal your body."

"How did you know Peter pulled me down?" You asked, Fury laughed.

"I know everything. Now (Y/N) get to the training room."

"Training room?"

"Yeah, Your a agent now."

HEYYYYYYYYY! Hope you enjoyed! This chapter was about answering all these questions and leading to future chapters. Now This book is coming to a close soon, maybe 7 chapter or more. Alright bye!!!!!!

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