Chapter Forty. Life support

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You left Peter standing on the sidewalk of new York, while you almost jogged to get out of view sight. You knew exactly where you were going, to the hospital to see Gwen.

You finally made it to your destination, you hesitated to walk in to the hospital lobby, but you had to see Gwen. You walked in and your throat had a huge lump in it. You signed into the front desk and asked the lady where Gwen room was.

"Oh honey, your here to see Gwen Stacy?" The lady at the front gave you sorrow look in her eyes and she gave you a visitor pass. Before you could walk away she made another comment, "Poor thing, Gwen Stacy, She was life support for a while, then she went into a stable coma. I feel bad, she suffered a very bad Whiplash, Worst one I ever seen, working in this hospital for 40 years. We never had a case of a whiplash that bad."

"She was on life support?" You asked shocked, all Peter told you was she was in a coma, not life support. The lady at the front desk gulped.

"I shouldn't be telling you all this, but she was on life support for a while, her family paid a lot of money to keep her on life support and not pull the plug. That was a good choice, because even know she was on life support for a year, she started getting better."


"Yeah, and you picked a good day to come visit her, she actually just woke up from her coma 3 days ago."

"WHAT!?" You screamed. GWEN WOKE UP FROM HER COMA! You quickly dash to the elevators and the lady shouted the floor number to you: Level 6 room 614. You reached her room number and before you walked in you took a long breath. You then push down the handle and open the door. There was a small dim hallway when the walked in, and to your right was a huge bathroom.

"Mom?" You heard a voice call out weakly, your heart stopped beating when you heard her voice....Gwen.

"No, it,um, (Y/N)." You said, walking towards her hospital bed. You felt bed, knowing that you caused this.

"Oh, Hey."

There was a a long awkward silence, your breath was heavy and Gwen just played with her fingers.

"I am sorry!  making you get into a coma and-"

"It wasn't you. "

"Oh, but i-"

"It was all Peter fault."


"Hey (Y/N), I thought i wouldn't see you again, ever since our fake date." Jack said smiling, you slumped down more in the cafeteria booth. Not in the mood to talk. Turns out Gwen despises Peter and hates him.

"You have my number." You said coldly, Jack clearly didn't get the hint and sat right across from you in the booth.

"What are you doing here?" Jack said, taking a sip from a Styrofoam cup in his right hand that you didn't realize he had until now.

"My friend, just woke up from a coma." You said, hopefully that would get him away, but it just raised more questions.

"How long? How?"

"A year and she was in a car accident." You lied, hopefully he would buy that.

"Weird how i didn't see that on the news."

"The parents didn't want a big fuss so they payed them not to say anything to the press. Anyways, why are you here?"

"Brother, his broke his arm."

"Oh, tell him i said 'feel better.'"

"Don't worry i will, after our date."

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