Chapter 29. Traps

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Your pov

something was going to happen, you knew it was. It wasn't going to be a fight, like Peter had at the beach, no, it was going to be worst then that. It was going to be a fight as in Heroes vs. Villains, Good vs. bad, but there was going to be destruction.

You were running, you don't know where but you were running, maybe to find peter, to tell police or just simply run away from the chaos that just went on. Electro is loose, Harry turned into this green monster and You and Mr.Menken were the only witness.

You somehow ended up in times square. Yes, you were running that long, You looked around, it still was damaged from the fight between Spider-man and Electro a couple days ago. The jumbo trons were broken, building were being repaired but people still walked about acting like nothing was wrong. You quickly pull out your phone and call peter, even know there was a small chance he would answer.

"Come on Peter.....pick up!" You whispered under your breath as your phone rang. You pressed your phone hard to your ear waiting for his voice.

"Hello." You heard his voice sang out, but it was breaking up, he was somewhere every windy and it was hard to hear him.

"Peter?! I need you, right now!" You almost screamed.

"Yeah, I see you. Wait."

"You see me?" You said, and quickly someone grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up in the air, you gasped as the wind hit your face hard, "This better be Spider-man or I am going to punch you!"

"Whoa chill (Y/N), yes it is he." Peter said in your ear, he quickly webbed a skyscraper and landed on top. You gasped as you looked down from the sky scraper, you were so high up, even know you could fly it still scared you.

"Peter.....I need to tell you something. Very very very important." You said as your eyes watered. Peter then took off his mask revealing his messy hair and brown orbs. The sun hit his pale face which made his eyes sparkle and make all his facial appearances noticeable, and handsome.

You told Peter everything, which took about an hour and a half because he was so stunned that this would happen. But you made sure to leave out the kiss part where Harry made contact with you, grabbing your waist and gave you a passionate kiss. You even cried at one point. and it took another hour and a half to come up with a plan to help Harry and stop Electro. You looked at your phone and it was already 7:45 and the city was dark with stars sparking in the sky. You surprising were at Peter side, hugging him for warmth. You stayed in the positions for minutes.

"I am moving to France." You said lowly, you then pull away from Peter and held both of his hands, and stare into his eyes, "Tomorrow."

"WHAT?" Peter pulled away from your cold hands, staring at you in disbelief, "You told me you were moving one week from now!"

You hugged your self, as your hair was moving in the wind, hitting your eyes and forehead. Peter took five steps away from you. You just stared at him.

"I know, But my mom changed the date last minute."

"And you kept this away from me?"

"I just learned this a couple hours ago! And you don't need to know everything that goes on in my life, plus Ava, Sam, Luke and Danny don't even know that I am moving. So be glad that I even told you!" You yell. You were still standing on the sliver sky scarper, you moved away from Peter as he came over and tried to hug you.

"It just.....why do you have to go? Why can't you stay here?"

"I can't. I'm sorr-"

Before you could get a another word in, the City behind Peter went completely dark, a black out. You walked closer to the edge of the sky scraper to see the city that never sleeps being complete dark and not seeing a thing. You gasped, you never seen the city this dark or quiet. What could cause this?

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