Chapter 12. Assistance

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your pov

"Peter, peter, peter!" You squeal out, jumping into his arms, "I got a Job!"

"That great! But I thought you went to see Harry ?" Peter said, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist and sitting me down on the couch...on his lap.

"Yeah, Harry said something about his Assistance quitting on him and he needed a new one....quickly." You said giving peter a kiss on the cheek with a huge smile. But Peter was more concerned about your new job.

"So your Harry assistant?" He asked, clutching on to you tight.

"He said something about being his personal assistance." You replied. Peter grip then tightened to hard and you yelled in pain, "Peter!? Your hurting me!"

Peter then suddenly let's go. You look at his facial expression and you could tell he never wanted to hurt you. He looked disappointed in himself for hugging you to tight and hurting you.

"Peter.." You said giving him a kiss, "I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It's alright."

"It just I don't want to hurt you. And it bothered me when you said 'personal assistant'' He said.

"Peter the only thing that hurting me is that you are sad. Now cheer up." You said giving Peter a sloppy kiss.

"fine, I will cheer up...for you." He said, smiling and cupping your cheeks.

"Good. Now are you sleeping over at my house?" You said walking up to your room, Peter also followed.


"Ok...But your sleeping on the couch then."

And that how your pillow fight began.


You woke up next to peter on your King sized bed, He was shirtless and wore his jeans, His hands around your waist like they usually were, Your first day of work started today. Harry wanted you to come to work the very next day and get use to things. You sat up, climbing over Peter, trying to wake him up. But nothing worked.

"Nova my favorite superhero." You whispered in his ear, He quickly shot up and looked at you at disbelief.   You climbed off of him and walked into your walk in closet, choosing your first day of work outfit.

"You were kidding right?" Peter said Sitting up on the bed and worried That Sam was your favorite superhero.

"Yeah. That Spider-man guy is pretty hot, but Nova...He is the definition of hot." You said trying to hold back your laughter, Peter marched into your closet and picked you up, throwing you over the shoulder, "Put me down."

"Not until you say that I am your favorite Superhero." Peter laughed out.

"Come one I have to get to work!" You said slightly annoyed.

"Why does Harry want you to go to work so early? You just got the job yesterday!" Peter exclaimed. Pissed.

"Look, I know it early, But can you be happy for me?" You sighed out, while peter put you back on the ground, You walked back to the closet picking out your outfit

"I am happy, it just I am-"

"Jealous? Look, Pete. Nothing gonna happen. If you can't trust me then how can we have a healthy relationship?" You said, while getting on your clothes, Peter didn't answer, "Well I have to get to work, Bye."


You reached OSCORP, seeing the same woman at the front desk. Typing on her computer, she looked up at you and then rolled her eyes. You gave a devilish smile and reached her desk with a smirk.

"I am here to see Harry." You said. Harry did say to call him that, You guessed that you were friends.

"Do you have an appointment?" She said, with a huge grin. Thinking that you didn't have one.

"Actually I don't need one. I am his assistant." You spat out, Her face expression then turned to confused.

"What about Felicia?" You whispered under her breath.

"Who Felicia?" You questioned raising an eyebrow.

"His Old assistant. But you don't have to worry about that, Apparently Harry fired her for you." The woman said, Fixing her Bun, and tucking one of her golden brown hair behind her ear.

"Fired? I thought she quit on-" You started to Say.

"Ah Ms. (L/N), it a pleasure that you came." Harry said walking down the stair case, taking your hand a kissing it. But you quickly pulled away, Only Peter kisses you.

"Well I had to, This is my job." You replied. The whole Lobby of Oscorp quickly turned silent, all the attention on you.

"Well Lets get to work then."

You Finally got home, To see Peter sitting on your couch asleep. You sighed, Taking off your heels and your red pencil skirt, to have underneath black shorts and your black blazer and shirt (which had an under shirt) and your too tight bun.

"I'm home." You said, throwing your heel at him, He quickly woke up and caught it before it hit him in his face...The rumor must be true....He does have spidey Senses.

"Trying to hit me?" He said sitting up and turning down the volume of the Tv, "How was work?"

"Good." You lied, All Harry did was Flirt with you and hit on you. He wanted you to sit right next to him in meeting and sometimes he would touch you but you would pull away, "How was work for you?"

"Well with J. Johnson was criticizing Spider man and My photos I had, So you know, It was usually." He sighed out, You felt bad he never got a break, All around him people either Love or Hate Spider-man, "So I was talking to Ava, Danny, Luke and Sam."

"And?" You said sitting next to him on the couch, putting your head on his shoulder.

"We are heading to the beach next Friday, Are you coming?" He said, You smiled.

"YES! YES! Yes!" You yelled, jumping on the couch, Peter only laughed.

"Cool. Is it okay that I invited Harry too?" Peter said, Your excitement quickly died down. You liked Harry but You wanted a Vacation, Not a Vacation with a guy that would flirt with you in front of your boyfriend or whatever you guys were considered.

"Yeah, That would be awesome." You said with a bright smile.

Peter than got a text from Aunt Mae, telling him to get home. Peter gave you a kiss and rushed back to his house. You then went to sleep.

Only imaging what The beach is going to be like.

Sucky Chapter, I know. Anyways I will try to update a lot today since I have nothing to do. But unless something comes up, I will be on Wattpad almost all day. Well Bye.

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