Chapter 28. Venom

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Your pov

You quickly got up from your bed and got dress, just throwing on some jeans, muscle tee and high tops. The only question whirling through your mind was How did Harry text you? And how did he get out of Ravencorft institute? You grab your phone, jacket and grab your backpack that carried your superhero costume. You tried calling Peter but he been distance and not answering your calls.

You reached the crisp air, sprinting towards Oscorp and pushing anyone in the way. You reached the enormous skyscraper and pulled open the doors, you went to the front lobby desk to see the same woman in the chair. With her bun, not a hair out of place, He lipstick exactly on her lips no where else, her makeup lightly done and her fingers typing hard on the key board making a clicking sound on every letter she touched.

"Oh your here again." She sighed out, not taking her eyes off the computer screen. She raised a brow towards you, like she was expecting you to be on the ground, on your knees bowing down to her.

"Look I need to-" You started to say, but the lady voice then formed a tsk-tsk-tsk sound. She then looked up to you with her pale skin and green eyes, He eyebrows lowering and her red lips patiently waiting to say something. She looked like a model posing for a perfume ad.

"Mr.Menken pretty mad at you. I suggest you just quit, before he fires you and make sure you never get a job in New York ever again." The woman said coldly, You scoffed at her rudeness and what she says acting as if she could, with one wave of a finger make that possible.

"I don't have time for this. What did I do to You?" You said sharply, You needed to get To the Office but you needed answers on why she hated you and your gut.

"Oh honey..." You scoffed out, "That thought is no needed in your mind. I don't hate you, we just have a....difference."

A difference? You tried in your mind to figure out what this difference is....but who knows? You didn't even know her name, all you knew is she hated your guts and she could possibly be a supermodel with her looks...You sighed remembering you had to get to Harry. But the more you thought about it your real question was: Is it really Harry? Did Harry really text you? Maybe Mr.Menken was playing you or-

"Are you going to keep looking like your dumbfounded or do what you came here to do?" The lady snapped in a harsh tone which made you stumble back as your thoughts disappeared.

"Look, I need to go to Harr- Mr.Menken Office, I am in a rush." You said, correcting yourself to not make her suspicious.

"Sorry you can't."

"What? Why not?"

"He in a meeting and-"

"No he not. I am his assistance, he only had one meeting today, which ended two hours ago, so unless you want to see my bad side....Let me up to his office. You know I do come from a wealthy family and I would Hate for you to get fired from your job and live out on the streets. So I suggest You let me up to his office or.....Let say it won't be a pretty day for you." You threaten her, You hated pulling the wealthy family card but you had to. You were so tired of putting up with her non-sense. She actually seemed to show an emotion....fear. He green orbs widen at your harsh voice, and how you banged your hand on the table, demanding she let you up. You could of easily just walked pass and up the elevator but that could raise suspicion to her, but you had to play it safe.

"Yes, (Y/N) right away. Sorry for the inconvenience." She said, she stood up to shake your hand, and that revealed her name tag: Alexis

"Well, Alexis." You said sharply, denying her extended hand, "Call me Mrs.(L/N), Were are not friends."

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