Chapter 16. Surprise

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Your pov

"I am worried." Peter said flopping on his bed. You just returned from your vacation, You and Your friends decided to leave the beach early, One because Of the fight Peter got in and Two because this Fury guy only paid for one night at the hotel, Not three.

"Why?" You said, writing down a hypothesis for your science project that you neglected to do over the past week.

"There no Crime. Nothing has been happening, Maybe a couple of Robberies but other than that," Peter sighed out, Putting his hands over his face, "I just have a bad feeling, Something bad is going to happen."

You sighed. Wanting to tell Peter that you wanted to help him and become a superhero, but how would he react?

"Do you need help?" You questioned, Peter sat up on the bed giving you an eyebrow, and you shifted on the ground, "I mean, What If I became a superhero and helped you out?"

"I don't think that a good idea." Peter sighed out, "You can get hurt and-"

"Get hurt?! Every single day you at least get bruised or cut or hurt. And you think I don't worry? I Think I could Handle myself."

"(Y/N), I didn't mean that, But if something happens, I can't live with myself." Peter said, Rubbing his temples.

"Really? Every day you risk your life to save other while I just sit in the couch hoping you come home alive. I want to help too." You cried out, Peter kept rubbing his temples in frustration, "Am I getting on your nerves?"

"No. It just you don't understand, I have-" Peter started but the buzz of your phone caused him to be quiet. You check your phone and see it a text from Harry. You thought you didn't have to go to work on this Sunday but the text read. 'Come to my office now'.

"Whatever, Peter, I have to go now. Just know that I am taking up that offer Ava Gave me about joining shield." You said getting up and leaving his room, then his house. Aunt mae had gone to the store, And you quickly walked to Oscorp.

"Hi Harry. What was the emergency?" You asked, as you fixed up your skater shirt. You were glad you at least wore something as little bit appropriate to work.

"I am dying." He cried out, Getting up from his chair and looking out the window towards the city.

"Dying?!" You said in disbelief, How? Why? He was fine days ago!, "Is there anything I can do?"

"I need spider-man blood." He said with stress in his voice. He had bags under his eyes, as he turned to you, He must if been up all night.

"Spider-man blood?" You mumbled. Wait he need Peter blood? Well Spider man, But still, What?

"Yes. He is the only person that can save me." He said, with a wobble in his voice.

"Umm, How does that-"


"How long have you been dying?" You sighed, putting your hand on his shoulder, but he quickly denied it.

"Never mind that. I just need you to find him. Find Spider-man."


"I said Find Spider-man!" Harry voice yelled. Causing you to Jump, "Right now!"

You quickly ran away from his Office and Went to go find PETER. You ran towards his house and Barged in, Not caring if it was rude or not. Since you didn't see any purse on the couch you figured Aunt mae still wasn't home.

"Peter!" You yelled, running up the stairs, Towards his room, You quickly barge in to see Gwen Stacy, "what is she doing here?"

"Oh, um, She was helping me with a surprise."

"A surprise?" You questioned.

"Oh, Hi (Y/N), I was Helping Peter plan something for you, A surprise party. Well I guess it not a surprise now but-"

"Gwen, Can I talk to Peter in private?" You asked her.

"Oh yeah, Of course, I have to go anyways , Bye Peter, Bye (Y/N)." You rolled yours Eye as Gwen Stacy left the room, and Left the front door. What Surprise? And why did Peter Chose Gwen Stacy To help? But you couldn't worry about that now, Harry was your main priority .                         

"Peter! Harry dying." You cried out, climbing into his arms. Peter looked at you.

"Dying?!" Peter yelled, seeming as if he going to cry.

"And your the only one that can save him, Peter, He needs your blood." You sighed out, Seemed as if a huge weight was lifted off of you, Peter had to say yes, it was his best friend. But You felt so forward.

"My blood? (Y/N) My blood would kill him, There not compatible. It would be like giving him poison. I can't do it." Peter said, with a sniff, trying  to hold back tears.

"What? Peter, how do you know? You didn't even try! What IF YOUR BLOOD does work? What if-"

"(Y/N)! His blood isn't compatible with mine! It would kill him!" Peter Screamed. You started crying, as you took in the new information. Peter tone sacred you, he seemed so mean and stern.

"So your just going to let him die?"

Hey! What do you think about this chapter? Good or Bad. I kinda rushed, anyways I had a really bad day, And I feel like just crying and hiding under the covers. Anyways, Hope you had a good day. Bye!

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