Chapter 13. Dreams come true

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The picture on the top is your swim suit

Your pov.

The week went by quick, too quick. The only highlight of the week was going to school and seeing your friends. You learned that Ava, Danny, Luke and Sam knew about your powers and They learned that you knew about theirs, It was pretty cool have all your secrets out and be comfortable with each other.

It was now Friday and everyone was at my house, Including Harry. It was 5:00pm and everyone was loading up the car, except for Ava and you. We are in my room getting ready, you wore a maxi dress and Ava wore a Gold maxi dress that matched her skin tone perfectly. It looked amazing on her.

"You look beautiful Ava." You announced to her.

"No, You look hot.Peter going to be all over you." She said getting her hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah, But Sam gonna be all over you. Plus you are fit, you have abs and muscles. So when you wear your bikini....Sam is not going to stop staring"  You said getting on your sandals.

"Alright!" Peter yelled from the living room, "Are the two Beautiful Girls ready to hit the beach?"

"Were coming down." Ava yelled back. While You grabbed your beach bag, you two made your way down stairs.

You got on the elevator and reached the lobby floor to the car, The roads were packed with cars and yellow taxis. You smiled.

"Hey Babe." Sam said to you with a smile, Peter quickly walked up behind Sam and smacked him in the Head,"OW!" Sam rubbed the back of his head, and Peter wrapped his arms around your waist, Placing you in the car, next to Harry....Peter climbed in on the other side of you.

You turned your head to see Luke and Danny in the very back seat of the Suv, they were talking about all the girls they might meet.And then Sam jumped into the driver seat and Ava in the passenger.

"WAIT." You almost  yelled, Having a panic attack, "Your letting Sam drive?"

"Did anyone think this Plan through?" Ava added, Sam winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong Babe?" He said lifting Ava chin up, "We get to spend time together."

Ava pushed away Sam Hand and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Lets go."

It was about 20 minutes into the ride and Peter was already asleep, You smile and Leaned your head on his shoulder, Then you felt Harry warm hands on your thigh. You clenched on to Peter arm, from shock that he would do that.

You then looked into the Car mirror to see Sam eyes adjusted on you. everyone was asleep accept for you three. You gave Sam a uncomfortable Look and Sam Cleared his throat, Making Harry hand return to his lap. You mouthed 'thank you' to Sam, and held on to Peter tighter.

It was going to be a long ride.


You finally Reached the beach, Tired. You checked into The beach Hotel and arrived at your room. You and Ava shared a Room. Peter and Harry shared a room and Sam, Danny and Luke shared a room. They were all next to each other.

You walked into your room, with Peter following with your (F/C) suitcase. You told Peter you can carry your bags but Peter insisted that he carrying  yours. You lay down on your bed, You didn't know what time it was but it was definitely late in night.

"Thanks." You said as peter set down your bags, He kissed you and said goodnight and left, You sighed and Ava got on her bed that was right besides yours.

"How did you pay for this hotel?" You mumble as you stood up from the bed and walked over to your suitcase. You wanted to choose a Pajama and there was four selections. You decided to wear your plain white, loose crop top and purple shorts to bed. Ava did the same and wore yoga pants and a plain yellow muscle tee.

"Fury, he said we needed a break anyways," Ava replied flopping back down on her bed, as you did the same.

"Who Fury?" You questioned, Ava sighed.

"He the head of S.H.I.E.L.D," Ava suddenly stopped, stared at you then let out a huge grin, "Were looking for recruits! You should join, you would be a awesome add in to the team...Plus I need a girl."

You sat there astonished, You barley use your powers and What would peter think? But you really wanted to help people and save lives. You did Love New York and you wanted to show it.

"Of course!" You sequel out, Ava smiled so big.

"Okay one question, Does your parents know about your powers?" Ava asked, with a serious expression.

"No. They don't even care about me, they don't even know I am here. I basically am an adult right now." You spat out, you hated talking about your parents.

"Oh, okay." Ava said lowly, wanting to change the conversation, "Lets get some sleep."

You slowly drifted off to sleep

Dreaming about Saving the people of New York.

Sorry, I said I would update a lot about Two days ago but I didn't....OOPS

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