Chapter 10. Old friends

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Third person pov

Harry, also known as Peter Parker best friend. Harry and Peter went way back. It was always Peter, Harry and You. Nothing could ever tear you apart, ever.

But unfortunately, That faithful day ended. You guys Suddenly were apart, Harry was suddenly distance towards you and didn't want anything to do with you. But Peter was blind towards all of this and didn't know what was going on between you two. Harry seemed to ignore you and pretend you weren't there. You finally gave up and  didn't talk to Harry and left him alone, But Luckily Peter and You became closer. Harry got very mad, he then became more distance to Peter.

No one knew why, But Only Harry knew.

Harry Loved you and didn't know how to express it.


Harry pov

I love (Y/N) and I was mad at myself for Letting her go and treating her so badly. She deserved to be treated like the Queen she is, Recently she been all over my mind.  My father recently died, and I was now the Owner Of Oscorp.

"(Y/N) You will be mine." I whispered under my breath, Clenching my fist. My assistance Felicia then walked into my office, "Yes Felicia?"

"Umm, There is a Peter Parker here to see you." She said lowly, I took a deep breath.

"Felicia, Speak up, be confident. Your my assistance, You represent me," I sighed out, "Let him up."

"Yes sir." She said, turning around, buzzing Peter up.

"Welcome to my office." I said, my hands open standing up to hug Peter.

"Well Hey Harry, I was just-I um- I heard about your father death, so I came to see you." Peter said, I smiled.

"Ah, Now the Sympathy rolls in." I said with a yell and smile, "let me guess you Only came to see me for support or you know care."

"No, Harry I wanted to Talk and hang out, But if you want to be left alone, I can leave." Peter said, walking towards the door.

"You know." I said, interrupting Peter from opening the door, "You got your braces off and there nothing to distract from your unibrow."

"There he is, There he is." Peter said. while we both laughed, "They still blow your hair in the morning?"

"Umm you know one of my man servants holds the hairdryer but I work the comb, okay so I am not completely helpless." I laughed, and Peter did to. I hugged him again.

(If you understand this reference I love you soooooooo much.)


We walked to the park, were There was the river. (Sorry I forgot what the place was called.) Peter and I walked down the stairs.

"Hey you know that french supermodel you pose with?"

"Oh yeah, I know what your talking about. But that whole Model thing is Very tiring." I laughed out. Peter smiled.

"I know right!" Peter joked around sarcastically , I playfully punched his arm.

"So you have anyone in your life?" I asked, hoping he didn't mention (Y/N). I wanted her to be mine, but once Peter, (Y/N) and I split up, Peter and (Y/N) became more closer.

"Umm, I guess it complicated. Well not complicated, It just I am not sure what we are yet." Peter answered, Looking out towards the river, leaning on the railing.

"Well I don't do complicated, Anyways who the lucky girl?" I asked, Hoping Peter would answer Quicker.

"Umm, remember (Y/N)?" Peter asked, I clenched on to the railing, trying not to show my anger. I didn't want peter in the way.

"Oh, yeah. yeah, yeah." I said, trying not to sound sad and actually happy for him, "She a great Girl."

But she going to be mine.

Hey! OMG I hope this chapter wasn't confusing and also, I hope you got the references, and If you didn't I pulled them out from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Anyways, This book is kinda gonna be like The amazing Spider-man 2 but you know my way. I will add plot twist and other events and take out events. Don't get me wrong, the movies are amazing in every way.




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