Chapter 22. Ground Rules

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Hey guys! welcome to another chapter! Now there is a music video that goes along with this chapter. Now Please play the song when I say so, I will tell you when. The song is

Phosphorescent - "Song for Zula"

Now enjoy.

Just so you know, this is  metaphor Peter is not High or drinking okay? It just That without (Y/N) he feels high and feels crazy and lost without her. Don't take drugs kids.

Peter pov

All I have been thinking about is (Y/N) and my dad brief case that he left behind. They died in a car accident. But now my only focus is (Y/N). She was my drug, I was so addicted to her, And I never have to worry about her leaving. She was my drug that I never ran out of. She protected me from the real world. She was my love. But with out her, it like I am exposed to things I never experienced. Without her I feel very lost and High. Like I am a alien from another world that just coming  to earth. I Can't function without her, I been very distance and lost. She was my guide, she was my life, she was my everything.

She was my love.


"Web head! You suck!" Sam screamed in my face, taking another win in the game, "are you letting me win? Or did you forget how to play?"

I sighed out a depressed look. It was true, I forgot how to play, But I didn't care All i thought about was (Y/N) I loved her. And now I forgot all feeling, especially love.

"Oh, right, sorry." Sam said lowly, knowing what My facial expression meant. I got up from my couch and paced around the living room.

"I am so stupid!" I yelled, banging my fist on the table, "Why did I punch the wall?! Why did I leave? WHY I AM I SO JEALOUS!?" I screamed all the reason why (Y/N) broke up with me.

I cried and slammed my back on the wall, breathing heavy. I let my back slide down the wall and I cried more, putting my hand on my forehead. Regretting everything I did to (Y/N) that made her hate me and breakup with me. Sam quickly ran over to my side.

"Web head," Sam said softly, "It not your fault. I know it hard without her and you feel lost without her but-"

My phone then suddenly went off, Playing the spider man theme song. I slowly got up and answered, I put on my regular voice, Saying Hello. Then I heard the sweet,soft, beautiful voice. It was (Y/N)! But it seemed like she been crying. When I hung up I squealed of joy.

"(Y/N) wants to go to the Art festival with me!" I said smiling, Sam smiled too. I jumped up and own on the couch and screamed of joy.

Maybe she wants to get back together.


Your pov

You walked home from Harry office, You needed Peter to talk to Harry. You reached home and It was 6:00, you needed to hurry up. You reached your penthouse and took a quick shower, and put on a laced up white shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and your black boot. You wore hoop earnings and blew dried your hair and straighten it, to make flowing loose curls.You put on little makeup and lipstick that was a little brighter than your natural lip color.You then got a cute backpack and put in  your superhero costume in there just encase. It was 6:45 and it would take ten minutes to get there. You quickly hurry up and went to the lobby. You opened the lobby door and was hit with warm air.

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