Chapter 8. Save that kiss

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Your pov

You returned home alone, your mother drove off to the hotel she was staying at, but quickly dropped you off. You carried groceries bags and milk. Walking to the refrigerator you rolled your eyes putting the food away, as it remind you of your mother.

At least you had something to look forward to tomorrow, if  Spider-man even shows up. You sighed, as you walked over to the couch, plopping down on it. Your phone then surprisingly rings.

"Hello?" You answered, not looking at the Caller I.D.

"Hey, it peter." You rolled your eyes about to hang up.

"Please (Y/N)! Don't hang up, I was wondering if we could possibly, hang out tomorrow at six?"

"Actually no peter, I can't. I am not waiting around for you, I moved forward. I have a date tomorrow actually." You snapped. The other end of the line was silent.

"Umm...that great." Peter sighed out with disappointment stringed in his voice, hanging up.

But you had so much anger that you just didn't care. You needed to get over him. Your phone then just went off again.

"Peter! I already told you-"

"It's Sam." You heard the voice say, You smiled.

"Hey Sam, Sorry about that, so what up?" You said, surprised that he called.

"The ceiling."

You rolled your eyes at his horrible joke. It was so awkward and cringe worthy .

"Your not in a joking mood?" Sam said into the phone with a chuckle.

"No, I am. But you know, I like good jokes. Yours was straight up cringe worthy." You shot back, laughing. Sam laughed too.

"Well let me make it up to you, how about we go on a picnic?"

His sentence hung in the air, not knowing what to say.

"When?" You asked.

" Now."

"In the rain?"

"Hey you and peter walk in the rain all the time. What wrong with a picnic In the rain?"

"Please don't mention him." You sighed out. But you did need to get out of the house, and Sam was a nice, handsome, lovable guy, "Sam, I would love to go have a picnic with you."

"Okay, I will be there in a couple minutes."

You then hanged up,changing into more warm and comfortable clothes, but you still looked beautiful. The elevator then opened, you forgot you gave Sam the key to your house. You guessed a couple minutes turned into a minute.

"How did you get here so fast?" You asked shocked, but coming over to Sam, giving him a hug. He held on tight and you held on too. Taking in his lemony sweet scent. He slowly let go and gave you a (F/C) rose.

"Awww, Sam, you shouldn't have." You said taking the rose, and walking over to the sink. You found a small vase filled with clean water, and placing the beautiful rose in the vase. You quickly walked back to Sam, as Sam took your hand and entered the elevator.


You reached the park, You got out Of Sam car, while Sam opened the door for you. You loved that A guy treated you right and wasn't hurting you. You Smiled, while Sam walked to the trunk, getting out A picnic basket, a blanket and umbrella.

The rain has let up.It was a very light sprinkle, and you and Sam walked up the hill, to a perfect spot, you had an amazing view. Sam set up the picnic, you offered extra hands but he refused.

The picnic was finally set and sat down with Sam talking and Sam cracking his cheesy but funny jokes, And it seemed you were traced in beautiful green eyes, and his hair and perfect skin.

"So why did you ask me on this picnic?" You asked, taking a Orange slice. Sam smiled, looking into your eyes.

"Because, I wanted to spend time with you. Your just so amazing and awesome, beautiful, pretty, Creative, lovable, caring, Nice and -" He said, making you blush but you quickly interrupted him.

"Sam, stop." You harshly interrupted him, "I am none of those. I-I"

"(Y/N) stop, I am not going to sit here, hearing you say that. You are all of those things and more. You the best person I ever met, You were actually my- I liked you alot and I still do."

You stared at Sam, No one ever said those things to you. Sam touched your Hand, Leaning in towards you and so did you, Your lips were centimeters away from each other, almost connecting, Until Sam pulled away.

Your eyes were shocked. That was another guy added to the list that hurt your feelings, Then Sam whispered in your Ear, Making you shiver. He whispered;

"Save that kiss for someone else."

Hey! I know, I wanted to update but it was my Mom birthday, so for the couple of days I was making cupcakes, And whatnot. So I hope you liked this chapter.

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