Chapter 14. Fight

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You wake up to the sounds of waves crashing, You turn to your left to see the other bed and sleeping Ava with little snores leaving her mouth. You sit up on your bed, enjoying the sounds of the crashing waves, it was a huge change from the cars in new York city, and constant noise.

"Room Service!" You hear a girly voice say, banging on the door over and over.

"We didn't order room service." You sighed out, not wanting to leave the peaceful state you were in, But the voice didn't let up. It kept banging and Banging on the door, "I am coming!"

You stand up, pulling your shorts down, for they were up so high. You open the door to see all the guys, and Harry smirking, looking at your crop top and short shorts...perv....

Luke quickly carried you bridal style and put you back in your bed, He then turned around and recovered with a plate from Danny hand, then  turned back to you.

"Breakfast is served!" He said with a huge smile, You took the plate. It had your favorite food. You licked your lips, which you could tell That it caught peter attention. Peter the climbed into bed with you, stealing a piece of bacon. You then Looked at Ava who was still sleeping. But Sam quickly jumped on her bed, Ava woke up startled, giving Sam a glare.

"Good morning Tyga." Sam said, Ava groaned in frustration of that cheesy joke and rolled her eyes.

"Still not funny." She mumbled, Punching Sam in the Arm, hard.

"I know your punches are just love taps." He smirked, Ava the Pushed him on the ground, with a smile.

Harry then sat in the bed next to you, which made Peter hug you tight. Then all the boys sat on your bed, And Ava joined. You all cracked jokes and laughed, but you felt very uncomfortable with Harry next to you.

And when Harry would touch your leg.


"The beach is Amazing!" You yelled out, taking off your swimsuit cover up, which earned Peter stare. Ava joined you, taking off her swimsuit cover-up, it was a gold bikini that matched her swimsuit perfectly. Sam and Danny stared at Ava while Harry and Peter stared at you. Luke, he just went to get more food from one of the dinners.

"Sure is..." You heard Harry mumble, while Peter gave him a cold, hard glare. Harry, laughed and put on his famous sunglasses.

you sighed putting on your sunglasses also and rubbing the sand between your toes. You haven't been to the  beach a lot in your life.

"Let's play volleyball!" Ava yelled, you stared at her, and notice that there were some random boys our age who invited us to play volley ball. You all agree, but Peter didn't want you to play with the boys, but you still did.

You got in position, it was Peter, Harry, You, Ava, Sam and Danny vs, The other guys. Luke was still no where to be found.

You served the ball, and the guys went to hit it. You played for about an hour, It was fun to make new friends. When the game ended, Sam, Harry, Peter and Danny deiced to hang out with the guys you just met. So you And Ava had girl time.

"Sam and Danny were staring at you while you took off your swim suit cover up." You stated, to break the silence. You and Ava were walking towards your beach towel that laid in the sand.

"Yeah?" Ava said casually.

"AND?! Did something happened between You guys that I don't know about?" You asked, pulling on Ava arm. Ava looked at you then gave a disgusting look.

"Eww! (Y/N)! You are so dirty minded." Ava laughed out.

"Well-" You started to say, but was interrupted by yelling and screaming. You turned around to see Harry, Danny and Sam in circle, with the other guys that you just met. Where was Peter? Then you realize Peter was in a fight and Harry, Danny and Sam were trying to break it up.

Peter got in a fight.

Hey! I know, this is a bad chapter, but I wanted to update and  I am really tired so....Well hope you enjoyed!

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