Chapter 31. You were a hero after all

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The video up top is what you need to watch to understand what happen, I am not good at explaining action events so please watch the video.

Peter stood there, as he watched Gwen being carried away by the green goblin to the huge clock tower. You were a couple feet away from Peter, but you ran up to him.

"Peter! Come on! We need to save Gwen!" You yell tugging at his right arm but all he did was stare at Goblin. He looked as if he was possessed. Peter than slowly looked down at you, then stare back up at the green goblin. What was Peter doing?!

"COME AND GET HER PETEY!" Green Goblin called out, Gwen was being held bridal style and screamed out of fear. Green Goblin have held her 20 feet above the clock tower.

"Peter, if your not going to save her, I will." You said as you began to run towards the clock tower, you were about to fly to meet Green Goblin in the air but when you were about 10 feet above the ground when Peter webbed your waist and pulled you down hard to the concrete ground. You yelled and whimpered out of pain, why would he do that? You were already in motion and Peter pulled you down hard and fast for what?

You lied on the ground, blinking in and out of conscious. You held your head out of pain and yelled, you moved your neck a little to see peter webbing himself up the tower. You yelled out of annoyance. Did Peter just knock you out to save the day by himself? Or was he mad you kissed harry and he did this out of anger?

You could hear Peter trying to talk to Harry saying: "Put Gwen down, this is between you and me Harry." Or "Harry this isn't you." and more, but Harry seemed to be deaf to Peter words.

"OOPS!" You heard Goblin laugh out, you quickly but slowly try to lift up your head to see Goblin dropping Gwen from his hands, while Peter jumped up in the air to catch her. Peter grabbed Gwen and they fell into the roof of the clock tower, but it was all glass so they broke through the roof and into the building. You try to get up but your body was in much pain, you watched as Goblin laughed and followed peter inside the clock tower.

"I HATE YOU PETER!" You yelled in frustration of not getting up or even moving, peter did this to you! What if you were paralyzed or could never move again? Could that even happen? You move your head slightly to see Max Dillon cold body leaning against a metal pole, not moving or breathing. Just sitting there, his hair a mess, his front teeth having a gap in between, his old black boots, this brown thick jacket with mysterious stains, he seemed like a puppet with no one to move or control him. You kept looking at him, as a tear streamed down your cheek. You did this.

"I am sorry max." You whispered to the lifeless body, "I am sorry for how your life ended and how I ruined it. I am sorry for everything I did, I am the villain not you. I wanted to help, but all I do is mess up. You were not a villain, Electro was not You Max. You were an extraordinary man who had wrong done to him.  I am sorry to do this, even know sorry doesn't fix anything, but just know, you will always be in my heart."

You cried more, was it wrong to tell someone who cause much destruction that you will always think of them and they will always be in your heart? But your thoughts were interrupted when you heard screams  from the clock tower, you slowly turn your head towards the scream, Gwen.

You try so hard to get up but you couldn't, You try using your powers but it seemed they were frozen too. You kept trying and trying, then the miracle happen. You slowly got up but you felt so sore from it, you slowly stood on your two feet, and held your hand in your hands trying to get your headache to go down. You heard another scream and you try using your powers, your flying powers. It worked, you rose up a couple feet slowly and you kept rising and rising to the clock tower until you were just hovering over the roof. You saw the chaos. Gwen was hanging on to a Webb by Peter, Peter had a Webb wrapped around Harry neck, Peter foot was holding the gear making sure it didn't break or move and Harry was choking Peter. You stared in Horror.

Gwen was so afraid she kept screaming Peter name, not seeing that you were there, You quickly rush down to get Goblin off of Peter. But it was too late, Peter moved his foot from the gear and it broke and it snapped the Webb that was holding on to Gwen. Gwen gasped in horror, she just watched as Peter jumped down from the gears and shoot a webbed to catch Gwen again. Gwen seemed to fall in slow motion, like timed have stopped, you looked in horror and you, like peter, you flew down to go catch Gwen. You knew that you were faster than Peter and you had the highest Percentage of saving Gwen. You passed Peter and Peter Webb that he shot out. You tried your best to save Gwen, you were about  30 feet from the ground, while Gwen was 2 feet away from you. You quickly wrap your hands around Gwen and threw her up to be caught by the Webb. By this time you were 5 feet away from the ground and nothing could save you. You were a hero after all.

You saved Gwen....

But couldn't save yourself....

*HIDES Behind couch and has a potato as a weapon*

Hey ummm....that happened, sorry for that sad chapter.....guess you died....






Actually you guys will know in like a couple chapters so......


Did this chapter MAKE SENSE?

by the way, add your self in the video okay? The video up top was to show you a visual of what happen when you were hurt or when you save Gwen....Gwen didn't die, you did....sorry.

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