Chapter 30. Come and get her

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"Spider-man! We need back up." You yelled at the web slinger as you flew up in the air to get a better look at electro. He was standing right next to a power grid, smiling.

"No. White tiger, Nova, iron fist and Power man are busy helping the citizens! We can take down Electro." Peter yelled back at you.

Electro than began to laugh, "You? You think you can take me down? I am a god." Electro laughed more.

"A god named sparkles?" Peter shot back as he jumped off the Clock tower and attack Electro. (I love you if you get this reference.)

You followed and kick electro in the face and flipped back to the ground. Peter than went to a water pipe, broke it and the Water almost hit Electro..... But Electro held up his hand, electric flying towards the water to stop it.

"Oh....your going to have to do more than that to stop me." Electro laughed out. You than flew up you Electro and kicked him in this stomach, That all you could do since you had electric powers but it didn't work for Electro. He could've absorb your electric  powers to make him stronger.

Electro hit the ground hard, and made no sound, and didn't even get up. You and Peter ran over to Electro to see If his was unconscious or still alive, lucky he had a pulse but was knocked out. You smiled and jumped into peter arms. You Yelled in excitement.

"I TOOK HIM DOWN!" You yelled, but you could Tell Peter gave you a look under his mask, "WE TOOK HIM DOWN! THAT WAS SO EASY!!!!"

Peter laughed and put you down from your hug. But another dark laugh joined him, you stood still as a cold hand held on to your wrist tight, you gasped. You looked down at you wrist to see the hand was an electric blue....

"Sweetheart didn't I tell you? You are going to have to do more than that to stop me." Electro whispered in your ear and laughed. You looked at Peter, and Peter got in a fighting stance, he was only a couple feet away.

"Put her down." Spider-man said clam, But Electro tightened his grip on your wrist, and put his other arm around your neck.

"Now why would I do that? I could easily absorb her electric powers, and that would make me more powerful. I would be defeating my enemy, gaining more power and......Poor Spider-man would be heartbroken. SO it a win-win on my part." Electro laughed again.

Peter quickly jumped up to attack, but Electro removed his hand from your wrist and hit Peter with a lighting bolt. Electro than walked over (with you still being held hostage) to Spider-man and bent down to put his only available hand on his mask. His grip on your neck was so tight it was hard to move, Peter laid down on the ground.

"Wrong move." Electro whispered to peter as he electrified his face, sending Electro to his mask and through out his body. You watched in horror and their was nothing left you could do.

Suddenly a large crash made Electro stop sending electric to Peter body and loosen his grip on your neck. He turned around to the crashing sound to discover a car was driving at very high speed towards him. You quickly kick Electro in the face to get out of the car way. The car then hit Electro which caused him to fly 40 feet backwards. Peter then got up and followed you to confront the driver.

Your jaw dropped when The driver got out of the car, it was Gwen Stacy! Peter almost had a panic attack also.

"GWEN?!" Peter and yo both yell at the same time.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU WEBBED ME TO THE HOOD OF A CAR?! ARE YOU A CAVEMAN?" Gwen yelled at Peter, Peter then grabbed Gwen wrist. ( Love you if you get the reference)

"What are you doing? It is dangerous out here! You need to leave!" Peter yelled at Gwen, but Gwen hit Peter hand which made him retrieve his hand. Gwen then began to walk fast towards the main tower of the power grid, which controls the electricity and could give power back to the city.

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