Chapter 33. War

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"OW!" Sam yelled as you kicked him in the stomach, you clapped your hands and smiled.

"Wow, the training room is really fun." You said with a laugh, Ava walked over to and you could tell there was a smile under her white tiger mask.

"Yeah, especially to beat up Sam, but now since there is another girl on the team it will be so much fun to prank the boys." Ava laughed and gave you a hug

"Prank?" All the boys said crowding around Ava and you, even surprised that she would want to prank someone then study for the history test. Ava sighed and put her hands on her hips.

"Hey! Girls can have fun too."

"Yeah but it is kinda obvious that are pranks are better than yours." Sam said getting up from the ground and walked over to Ava, Sam stilled held on to his stomach as if he removed his hand all of his organs will fall out.

"Are you implying that boys are better pranksters then Girls?" You hissed out, Peter took off his Mask and walked over to you and gave you a hug.

"We aren't implying that, we are stating a fact." Peter whispered in your ear, you quickly pushed Peter off of you and sighed. You took off your mask, did a cartwheel and kicked peter in  the face in the process.

"Oops, didn't see you there." You said with a smirk, Peter rolled his eyes and rubbed his jaw where you kicked him. Luke then walked over to you and laugh.

"There only one way to settle this." Luke said and stared at you straight in the eye.

"What?" You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms.

"A prank war."


"Ava! Over here!" You yell, you quickly grab the box of Oreo and ran to Ava room, You sit down on her bed, anxiously tapping your feet on the steel floor, You quickly raise your head when the door open to reveal Ava in her white tiger costume, she carried two butter knives and a toothpaste bottle, she quickly runs over to you and hands you a knife.

"Okay, You take the cream out of the Oreo and I will replace the Oreo cream with toothpaste okay?" Ava ordered, you replied and got right to work, you took a Oreo out of the cartoon and used the knife to scrap off the cream, you then handed Ava the Oreo cookie and she used her knife and put toothpaste on the cookie, and placed it back in the cartoon. It took awhile but you finally got the job done. You put All the toothpaste  filled Oreo back into the cartoon, you quickly run over to Sam room where the boys were playing video games. You knocked on the door, placed the Oreo package on the ground and ran away. You saw Sam open his door and pick up the Oreo package, Sam then walked back into his room and said "Guys! Guess what! We have Oreo!", and minute later you heard Sam and the guys coughing and yelling in disgust. You laughed so hard.

You walk over to Sam room and Kicked it opened, Sam and Peter, and Luke and Danny quickly turned to you, wiping there tongue with a napkin, you laughed more.

Ava runs over to Sam room to catch up with you, when she saw the boys wiping the toothpaste out of there mouths she laughed so hard she almost fell to the ground.

"Hey at least your breath doesn't stink anymore."

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