Chapter 39. Limits

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Your heart skipped a millions beats, you felt as if the wind was knocked out of you, and you wanted to react in some way but Peter was only a couple feet away from you and you couldn't let him hear you.

Sam room stayed silent as You tried to quiet your heavy breathing. You were trying to sort out your feeling with Peter in your head. Do you like him or not? You kept over thinking the situation that you didn't see Peter standing next to you.

"(Y/N)! How long were you here?!" Peter yelled at you, you could tell he was trying to cover up his nervousness.

"I just got here. I just talked to Ava then I came here," You said but Peter didn't believe you, "I promise I didn't listen into your 'Boy' talk or whatever you guys were doing." You hoped that sounded more believable than suspicious.

"Okay.....good....Anyways are you ready for training?" Peter said heavy breath and put on his mask.

"Peter, Please, I am so sore and tired I can't! Can I just have the day off?"

"NO! THIS IS THE AVENGERS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!" Peter harshly yelled sat you, you felt as if you were just stabbed in the heart, You hated when he yelled at you. The old Peter was loving and caring, and know he changed, "Come on (Y/N), go to the training room."

Peter took off running to the room and You felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you, it was Sam giving you a behind the back hug.

"Don't worry (Y/N),  Peter,....he....working through some feelings."


"PUNCH HARDER!" Peter screamed in your face as he blocked your punch to his face. You been training for 3 hours and you were exhausted, it wasn't even noon yet and you wanted to sleep. But Peter pushed you harder and harder to train.

"" You said in a raspy voice, sweat dripped from your hair and your knees were about to give out.

"No your not! Push yourself!" Peter yelled at you again.

"Peter." You said lowly. Peter quickly let down his guard and rolled his eyes at you.  What was so wrong with him? He admitted he loves me, but treats me like crap. You thought to yourself.

He sighed and looked straight at you, he stood up from his fighting stance and walked away from you, getting water.

"What do I have to do, to get you to train hard?" Peter said lowly.

"What are you talking about?"  You still stood on the fighting mat, as Peter was sitting on the wooden bench drinking water.

"You need to work hard."

"Peter, I try to work so hard to impress you. But you have to know-"

"Know What?"

"That humans have limits."

Peter shook his head in disappointment and rolled his eyes again.

"Superheros don't."


"There been a breach to stark tower over the last week." Black widow said in a flat tone, typing on the computer to show us a digital picture of what computer and sensitive data have been stolen.

"So what the  mission?" You said in a sassy  tone, you didn't want to have extreme workouts all week, then in the finally just talk about stolen data. But you didn't even think twice about what tone you were using to the Avengers. Peter quickly hit  you in the side hard, but you ignored him.

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