Chapter 9. Reveal

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Your pov.

You woke up, wanting to kill your alarm clock like usual. You get out of your bed, sitting at the edge, rubbing your temples. What did Sam mean by save that kiss for someone else? Who did he mean?

You changed into fuzzy socks. You sat back on your bed, wondering what you wanted to wear on your date for tonight. Then your phone buzz, It was a blocked number? You didn't even know you could text from a block number.

Dress warmly- from your friendly neighborhood spider man

You smiled.


You quietly stand in the exact spot spider man told you too, It was exactly 6:00. And you waited trying not to freeze. You stood patiently, feeling like you have frostbite.

"LOOK SPIDER MAN!" Someone screamed, pointing in the air. You followed the finger, and sure enough saw the web slinger coming your way, you smiled. He then grabbed you by your waist, and lifted in the air.

"Close your eyes." He whispered in a too familiar voice.  You did exactly as you were told, for about five minutes, "Open them."

You stood on the empire state building. But only you two.

"Oh My God! We are up so high." You said, peering over the edge, "The view is absolutely  amazing."

"I knew you would like it (Y/N)." Spider man said, walking up to you wrapping his arms around your waist. But you then pulled away from him.

"How do you know my name?" You said, staring at him in fear.



Spider man stood there. Speechless, Even know he had a mask you could tell he was shocked.

"Peter?" You repeated, walking over to him, You slowly took off his mask. To see your former best friend.

"Peter!" You said shocked. holding on to the mask.

"Surprise?" He said.

You stared at him.

"Is this why you ditch me randomly?" You asked.

"Yeah, I am so so so so Sorry. I had to, and plus I didn't tell you sooner because I was afraid I would put you in Danger . I am very sorr-"

"Shut up," You said walking over to him, smiling, grabbing his cheeks and giving him a long, passionate kiss. You didn't break away for a long time. You were basically making out. Peter grabbed your waist and you loved his soft but strong touch. You then pulled away, Peter whined.

"Why did you pull away?" Peter asked, grabbing your waist tighter and pull you closer to him.

"Are there any other secrets I should know?" You asked, looking into his big dough eyes, That could put anyone in a trance. He smiled.

"Well you know, um, uh, Alex, Ava,Luke and Danny? Well There kind of part of my-uh-my-um team." He said hesitantly, scracthing his head.

"NO way! There Nova, White tiger, Power man and Iron fist!?" You almost screamed. Peter then kissed you, and you kissed back, harder. He then pulled away.

"Yes. they are." Peter said.

You went back to kissing  each other again, never pulling away. It was magic, And sparks were everywhere. You loved Spider man.

But you loved Peter more.

Hey! I know bad Chapter, But i wanted to get it done today and I love this chapter. Next Chapter I will Introduce you to a well known person in the Spider man Shows, movie and series. Hope you enjoy My future Chapters, because I have some cliff hangers and Plot twist up my sleeves. Maybe.....

Have a good Night


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