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Today i woke up early to pack my things. I need to transfer to Ally's bus, because Normanis family are coming over and going on tour with us, they will stay with us for 5 days. Normani is currently on her way to the airport to pick them up.

"Lo! Where are you?"
Ally entered our bus.

"Hey Ally.. i am here!"
I waved at her, i am in front of my bunk fixing my stuffs.

"Hey! Will wants you to know that you cannot transfer to our bus. Because their bus, together with Tina and Marge, got overheated. So they are going to transfer to my bus..."
Ally spoke.

"What? Where am i supposed to stay now?"

"You are going to stay at Dinahs. They have a few vacant bunks over there."
Ally answered.

I mumbled. Great. Now i have to share a bus with Camila. I still cannot get over with what happened last week at the elevator. After that night, we barely talked to each again.

I wonder if she can recall what happened that night?

On the other hand, Ashlee already apologized with what happened and she said that it is not going to happen again. Of course it wont.
I wont let it happen again.
Not with Camila, or anyone else of the girls.

Ally called my attention.

"Ahm.Are you sure? They want me to stay with Dinah and Camila?"
I asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?"
Ally seemed worried.

"N,-nothing. Okay i'll transfer to their bus then.."I smiled at her.

"What's up daaaawgs!"
Dinah appeared behind Ally.
"Did you already told Lauren the important news Ally?"

"Yes Dinah."
Ally smiled at her.
"I need to go now, see you later girls.."

Ally left. I continues fixing my stuffs. But i noticed Dinah who's smiling at me.  "What??"

"Nothing!" Dinah giggled.
"i am just so excited, i came here to help you transfer your things to our bus.."

"Okay.." I furrowed my eyebrows. Dinah seemed so excited.

"So what do i need to carry first?"
Dinah clapped.

"What's with you?" I giggled.
"Well, you can carry that red bag over there..."

"I'm really happy Lauren."
Dinah spoke, she lifted the read backpack and placed it behind her back.
"That you are going to share a bus with me and Mila.."

"Does Camila know about this?"
I asked.

"Nope," Dinah wigggled her eyebrows.
"she'll be surprised..,"

Great! Really great!
I shook my head. Dinah left and I continued cleaning my bunk. I'm going to miss my bed.

"Are you done packing up?"
Dinah returned from their bus... well technically 'our bus'.

"Yes..." I answered, then i grabbed the large travelling bag.

"Let's go!"
Dinah pulled my hand.
Seemed like she's really happy that i am going to stay with them.

"I already told Camila that you are staying with us.."
Dinah winked.

Suddenly i felt nervous.

When i entered their bus, i saw Camila sitting on the straight couch/mini lounge area of their bus while playing the guitar and guess what, Ashlee is here too. Seriously? Ashlee is everywhere.

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