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Camila is here.. alive.. breathing and smiling in front of me.

Is this really happening?

I want to cry and laugh at the same time right now. This is really crazy. I am going crazy.

I stood in front of Camila. The girls looked at me, but i maintained my eye contact to this brown eye dork, who's busy on browsing her phone.

Can i touch her?

Damn. I have so many questions in my mind right now. I am so afraid that if i will touch her everything would just fade again and i am going to wake up from a dream again.
I don't want to lose this moment.

"Lauren? What are you wearing?"
Dinah laughed. I forgot that i am wearing my shower robe. I went at the cafeteria without even combing my hair, washing my face, or brushing my teeth. I really don't care about how I looked. All i care about now is Camila.

Fuck. I want to kiss her right now and tell her how much i missed her.

"Camila.. H-hi...wow.."
I spoke. Trying to hide the smile on my face.

Camila looked at me.
"What?" She raised an eyebrow then gazed at the rest of the girls.

Ally shrugged. "Lo? Are you okay?"

"I told you guys. Lauren is acting sooo.. weird.." Normani whispered.

"Oh my god. I am really here!"
I spoke excitedly.
"You are really here.."
I added looking at Camila.
Her coffee eyes, her luscious lips, her perfect jaw line. This is all real.

"Lauren are you okay?"
Camila asked. She stood up,
"Here, take my sit,"

I answered her question with a hug.
I felt Camilas body reacted to my hug. Her body stiffened, but i hugged her tighter, as if i dont want to let go of her, after a few seconds her body softened, then she hugged me back.
I closed my eyes, then quickly opened it again. I am still here at the cafeteria. It's not a dream!

"Wow.. i am not dreaming.."
I yelled.

"Y,yes... you are not?"
Camila uttered, she raised her head then looked at me.

Dinah faked a cough, which caught my attention.Uh oh. This is awkward.
I quickly withdrew myself from Camila, then i hugged Dinah.
"Dj!!! I missed you!"

Dinah slightly tapped my back.
"I miss you too even though we just partied together last night.."

I look at Ally.
"Allyson... wow, it's been a while."
I leaned and gave her a quick hug.

"You're so sweet..."
Ally hugged me back. She was delighted with my actions.

"Mons!!" I looked at Normani. "Thank you for being the best roommate in the world.." I hugged her next.

"This is not Lauren!" She jokingly pushed me away.
"What did you do to my roomate?"
Normani jokingly pushed me away.

I ended up hugging all of them, to avoid the awkwardness.

I giggled.
"Cmon girls.."

"Lauren. Are you alright?"
Ally asked.

"I am fine!" I smiled at them.
"Im just..happy!"
I looked at Camila. She's also looking at me, confused.

"You are acting so weird."
Dinah gave me a suspicious look.

"No.. i am just, very very happy to be here with you...girls.."
I gazed at Camila.
"Can i sit here beside you?"

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