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Lauren's point of view.


I slowly opened my eyes while slightly stretching my neck. I shut my eyes quickly once more and took a deep breath. It was very silent inside my room, all i could hear is my cardiac monitor, making its subtle beeping sound.

I slowly removed my oxygen cannula, feels like i'm drowning with air every time i wore that plastic material.

I looked around. I'm still wearing a hospital gown, and an IV line, but lesser apparatus are connected to me, unlike before that my body looked like a Christmas tree of life support. I don't know what time it is, the rooms curtains were closed, sort of dimmed ambiance inside.

I felt something moved, it was pressing my abdomen. I looked beside me and saw Camila sleeping, her arms were placed around me. She's sleeping like a baby. Her mouth is slightly opened, and she's snoring subtly, so cute. This is the exact scene that i want to see every morning, for the rest of my life, but not in the hospital though, in a room of course. I smiled, then slowly leaned against her and kissed her forehead.

Waking up with the love of your life beside you is like a dream come true. And this is reality, this girl is mine. Camila is mine. And i am alive.
God damn.  I am alive because of her.
What happened was really out of this world.  It's been 3 days since i woke up. They haven't released me from the hospital because the doctors are still performing some test and exams on me, to see how stable my condition is. They considered my case as a miracle.They said that when my parents decided to sign DNR and my doctor almost pronounced my death, i miraculously woke up, just before they removed my life support.

The craziest part is, I  can remember everything. About my my time travel, and how I fought hard to survive, the last day of tour, Nate, Ashlee, Hope and Rick. I can remember everything.

Now i am worried about Rick. We both entered the portal, and i survived. I wonder if what happened to him. Did he also survived? I want to ask Hope. But ever since i woke up, i never got the chance to see her, she never visit my room. I could see some familiar faces of some of the nurses, like, Molly, Kath and Paul, but not Hope. I wanted to ask the nurses or even Camila if they know what happened to the couple, but it would really sound so weird that i know everything about them since i was in a comatose state for 3 weeks.I wanted to visit Rick, but i am not allowed to go out of my room, and it will really look strange if i visit a person that i have never, met. Well technically.

Does it mean that Hope is not coming to work anymore? Is it about her pregnancy? Or about Rick? Does it also mean that i successfully made my way out of the portal while Rick wasnt able to go out? So many questions on my mind. Up until now. I'm still confused, if everything is just a dream, or whats happening right now is still a dream? But it look and feel so real and I am alive, that is the most important thing. 

I suddenly felt Camilas warm breath on my neck. She moved slowly, i looked at her, she opened her eyes. 

"Good morning Lern," She carefully leaned and gave me a kiss. Her sleepy voice gave me tingles. 

"Camz. You look so fucking hot while you sleep,"  I whispered.

Camila turned red instantly.

I giggled. "No. Like for real, i could do this for the rest of my life, you know? wake up next to you," I spoke smiling.

"Aww... Lauren..."
She hugged me tightly. 

"I love you," I whispered. 

"I love you too. Thank you for not dying," She giggled. "I dont know what am i going to do without you. I might die too,"

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