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"So, i guess we are all alone now,"
I mumbled. 

"Yes,i guess we are..."
Camila answered without looking at me. I stood infron of her.

"Camz," I spoke.

"Mm?" Camila raised her head.

I swallowed hard looked at her for a few seconds. The i carefully cupped her chin.

Her eyes widened. 
"Laur, what a-are."

"Camila... can i kiss you now?"  
I asked. I could feel my heart is racing and my cheeks are flushing. Damn you vodka. 

This is not really part of the plan. I was supposed to kiss her after the blind date. But damn. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Lauren,You are drunk.." Camila whispered as she slowly pulled my hand away from her. 

"Yes.. and you are pretty,"
I whispered. 


"No, Camila Cabello. I am not...yet.. drunk. Just give me a chance, I don't know if i'll be able to have a chance like this again.." I said, flashing her a hopeful stare.

Camila did not answer. Our gazes are locked. Electricity formed in my cheek and zinged straight down, through my whole body as i am now leaning towards her. She blinked slowly. Up close,i could see her long  lashes. Her coffee eyes are gazing through my planet green eyes. We paused there on the edge. My thumb stroked her perfectly curved jawline as I leaned closer. I closed my eyes.  

Then her lips met mine, softly and gently. 

Damn, Camila and her sweet mouth. It never changes. Still the same taste, her lips are so addicting, making me want to crave for more. I tried to be careful, because this is her first kiss. I remembered that she told me before that she's never been kissed. I opened my eyes, then i saw Camila with her eyes closed. She's mesmerizing, and she's all mine. I closed my eyes again, then i begun kissing her deeply, making her open her mouth. She moans a little, making me smile. Unlike our first kiss experience before at the car, that i almost surrender everything to her. tonight. I am in charge. 

Camila slowly withdrew her head. "Wait.. i, - i  need to tell you something, " She's blushing while catching her breath. 

"What is it baby?"
I whispered to her ear. 

"This is my first kiss," She whispered back. 

I looked at her.
"Do you still want me to continue?"
I dont want to rush her.

"Y-,yes. I want you Lauren.."
She mumbles. 

I smiled, then slowly cupped her face again. "You have no idea how many times i've wondered what it would be like to kiss you,"

I kissed Camila  with greater pressure making my lips wander around hers, with subtle sucking motion. I felt her moaned in between as i am now using my tongue to press her lips. My hand went around to her back pulling her tightly against me. I could feel my heart racing and my body flushing.
We are kissing like crazy, stealing each others breath. Every movement of her lips and hands sparking new explosions all over me. Her hands glided along the sides of my neck and into my hair. She pulled me closer and strained upward. I started off slow and searching, because I needed to keep myself in check now more than ever. Her mouth was sweet, and her velvet tongue came out to touch mine, tasting, testing, tentative. Her tongue is clueless of what to do, so i tried to helped it by sucking it carefully. 

Camila gasps. Her body is raising. She's taking all the pleasure. Oh my god, she is so sexy. 

As much as i wanted to continue this intoxicating moment. since Camilas hands are now caressing my waist, but I am now distracted...
because her phone kept on ringing. 

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