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[I told you my grammar sucks, but i will finish this book. Haha. It's going to be my last book.] 😇😇😇

- Or second to the last, ;)

Camilas Point of view.





"Hi Lauren. It's been 3 weeks now,"
I spoke while carefully stroking her hair. "And i am still here,waiting for you to wake up. My sleeping beauty,"

This has been my routine whenever i woke up every morning. I would sit beside Lauren, greet her, tell her stories about us.

"I love you.."
I carefully leaned and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was very silent inside her room. I could only hear the sound of her cardiac machine and her life support.

"I dreamed of you last night again. We were lying on bed together on some lazy Sunday morning. You were talking to your mom on the phone and pretending you were alone while I buried my face in your shoulder and dozed off. I could almost smell your skin and feel the warmth of your naked body against mine until I woke up and you weren't there beside me,"
I swallowed dryly.
"I'm sorry, it's not a sad story Lauren. What i really mean, is that i miss you so much. I want to be with you, i want it to be you. Since the day that i met you, the green eyed intimidating girl "
I grinned, but slowly bit my lower lip, because I felt my tears started rolling down from my eyes. 

"I will wait for you Lauren,"
I mumbled. I will never get tried of telling that to her. Because that is the truth. Lauren was the one that i have been waiting all along, no odds or circumstances can change how i feel for her

For years I saw myself growing old alone. Not thinking of finding the right one for me. I got used to the feeling of being surrounded by happy couples around me because I know love is not for me. Well i fell in love before i met Lauren, but it was nothing. I cannot consider that guy as love, i was so young back then, i wouldn't be able to differentiate the meaning of crush or love. That boy, who said that he's going to be my prince made me believe in Happily Ever After but then he left me and broke my heart into pieces. So I said I was done with love.

I built walls so high that no one can climb. I guard my heart for so long and I thought being alone for the rest of my life was my destiny, but I didn't know that God has a different plan for me. Lauren came unexpectedly and all my defenses shattered. I fell in love.

We met in a very ordinary circumstance. It all started with a simple hi and hello. Never had I imagined that we'd get closer as days passed by. I started to feel that emotion I avoided for a long time. I promised myself that there will be no one else, but when she looked into my eyes and smiled, something magical happened inside me. Not butterflies, not giddiness but then I look at her, I felt that I'm in need of love.

I did my best to get over the infatuation I'm feeling for her. But Lauren  became a very good friend and the days that we talked, laughed, and even those times we argue over petty things deepened the feeling I have for her. Until one day I woke up realizing that I'm irrevocably in love with her.

I was caught off guard, i wasn't able to control my feelings anymore, and it is becoming too obvious to our fans, so CAMREN happened. Then Lauren started avoiding me, well i cannot blame her.

Maybe what they say about love is true—that when you were meant to be, both of your hearts will lead you to each other. After 2 years of avoiding each other, and oh god, i'm dying everyday for 2 years. She finally noticed me again, and made me the happiest girl in the world by confessing that she loves bme too. In a span of short time. She made me feel that I'm one of the best things that happened to her.

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