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"Wait! Camz..Can i be your first kiss?" I spoke. I cannot resist these feelings anymore.

"What?" Camila spoke cconfused

Damn Jauregui! What are you thinking, you are going to make things awkward again!

"I'm sorry i should have not asked that.." I avoided looking at her.

"You want to be my first kiss?"
Camila spoke in a calm manner.

"Yes..." I answered firmly.

"Lauren if you're doing this because you feel pitiful about me. Well thank you for your concern, but i am fine.." She smiled at me.

"No! Camz, it's not like that. I mean, Who wouldn't want to kiss you.."
I replied.

Camila stared at me for a few seconds. She took a deep breath then smiled softly. "Okay..."

My eyes widened.

"I mean, i don't mind getting my first kiss from the person who thinks that i am the perfect stranger..."
Camila answered, she was smiling.

I awkwardly smiled at her. I felt shaky and nervous. Seemed like i am the one who's going to have my first kiss. My heart is beating so fast right now. I don't know how to start.
I stealthily licked my lips. Good thing i put on a non matte lipstick, my lips are soft and not chapped.

Camila called my attention.
"Did you changed your mind?"
She laughed.

"No-.." I spoke quickly.
"Okay.. Let's do this. Just a quick kiss.."
I tried to calm myself, because im starting to panic right now.

"Yes.Just a quick kiss,"
Camila gazed at me. I watched her as she licked her lips.
"So,how do we start?"

"Just let me lead the way.."
I mumbled. I slowly cupped her face. Camila instantly turned red.

"There.." I spoke, while carefully tilting her head.
"Camz you are perfect..."

Camilas eyes flicker towards the floor, then back to my face, then her eyelashes flutter shut. My eyes swept over the soft waves that fell across her forehead, curling around her ears, to her coffee eyes, down to her lips. Without closing my eyes, i slowly leaned forward, until i finally felt her lips touched mine. They were soft and it felt good. My heart is pounding. Our lips connected for a few more seconds, no action included. Suddenly I felt Camila slightly tilted her head to the side and slowly opened her mouth.

Wait. She wants more?

Quickly, i threw my head back. I looked at Camila who's eyes are closed.
"Camz....I - i,"

"Please continue Lauren..."
Camila begged. She opened her eyes and gave me that inviting look again.

"Okay..." I breathed.
"If that's what you want.."
I replied.

I felt feverish with the immense restraint it took to keep my hands in my lap, so badly I wanted to reach out and run my fingers across her perfectly curved jaw. I'd never felt this before, this urge to touch another person so strong I felt as if I was burning from the inside out. Camila opened her eyes. She must have felt the same. Slowly, she reached out to run the tips of her fingers lightly from the tender skin on the inside of my shoulder to the crook of my elbow and back down again. I shivered, and felt myself lean into her, raising my face to her invitation.

I watched her through eyes hooded with desire as her thumb stoke my burning cheeks, leaning closer and slowly closing the remaining distance between us before brushing our lips together.

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