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A/N. Shout out to boombox7733,.  😇😇😇


"Hello girls? Am i missing the fun already?"

My eyes widened, and my heart just stopped. Feels like my head  is going to explode.

Camila screeched.

"What are you doing here!!!!"
I yelled.

"The girls still doesn't know that Ashlee did this, "TK appeared behind me. "Damn she is checking if you're still alive.."

Ashlee entered the room with a big smile on her face. Camila gave her a quick hug.

"How are you Mila.. i miss you," Ashlee spoke.I saw how Ashlee hugged and rubbed Camilas back.

"Fuck! Stay away from her!!"
I tried to push her away but nothing happened.

"Lauren! Stop it!"
TK yelled at me.

"No! I need to kill that bitch!"
I am so fucking mad right now. She even have the guts to visit me???
She's out of her mind.

"Hi Ashlee!"

"Long time no see.."

"We miss you!"

The rest of the girls gave her a quick hugs. Normani and Dinah sat at the sofa at my bedside. While Ally is placing the flowers that they brought to a vase.

"I miss you girls. I'm sorry it took me a week before i got to visit Lauren. I,  the band became so busy rehearsing for a JLo tour.."Ashlee explained.
Then she looked at me.
That look, a mixture of hate and guilt.
"S,-so.. how's Lauren?"

"Wow! Thanks for asking! I am dying because of you!!!!"
I screamed.

"You know, they don't hear you right?"
TK uttered.

I shook my head. "This girl tried to kill me and she shows up, trying to ask if how i was? Damn! I would really fucking kill her when i got my body back!"

Suddenly my monitoring machine alarmed.

Camila quickly pushed the call button connected to the nurses station..

"Wow, looks like that's a welcoming reponse from Lauren, Ashlee,"
Dinah giggled.

"Oh really? Hello Lauren! Miss me?"
Ashlee speaks while grinning at me.

"Fuck you!!!! Are you happy now????"
I yelled.

"You need to relax Lauren. Your body is responding to your emotions. Your pulse is raising, it's 120 beats per minute already, the normal should be 60 to 100.." TK Spoke.

"How the hell did you know the normal values?"

He shrugged. "Relax.. okay?"

I took a deep breath. I can stand the pain while watching my loved ones cry over me. But i will never let this pass! The person who tried to kill me is  standing in front of me. She's talking to Camila like nothing happened.

"Her vital signs are being controlled now,"Camila answered, she sat beside my bed. She rubbed my hair, fixing it to avoid from covering my face.

"What happened before?"Ashlee asked. She also sat on my bed, at the foot part.

"Get out of my bed!!!"
I cannot control my emotions.

"Lauren.... heart rate is 150s..."
TK mumbled. I looked at my monitor, and my stats are rising..

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