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A/N - haha. I accidentally spoiled something from the last chapter. Like literally, a major spoiler. I deleted it asap. Lol. (i really shouldn't be updating my stories at 3am)😂😂😂😂

I was walking on circles inside my room. So many things are bugging up my mind. The clock, Camila, Hope, Tk and that fucking DNR.

"Lauren!" I spoke to my self.
"Please wake up!"

I sighed in frustration.
I was having the time of my life a while ago when i got to hug Camila. and now i want to punch TK in the face.I took deep breaths.

"Laur!!!" Camila entered the room. She was smiling, she hugged me.
"Guess what? Will called, he said that they had retrieved the CCTV footages at the last day of the tour! The police are strictly reviewing it to find the shooter,"
Camila sat on the chair beside me.

"Wow! Really Camz? They will finally caught Ashlee!!!"

Camila held my hand.
"We will finally find out who did this to you,"

"Yes Camz.. Ashlee will pay for this.."

I spent the whole morning watching Camila. She was talking to me, telling me stories. She entertained some friends who visited me with all smiles.She seemed so happy because of the progress of my case.
This is what i live for, what i am fighting for.. Camila.

And now i feel guilty because I fought with Tk. I should've not said that.
But he cannot blame me. People usually say things that they dont mean when they are mad.

I am still hurting, but i have no choice. I have to talk with TK.
Even though all we do is fight.

He's all i have.


I didn't have to wander around the hospital to find TK. I went straight to the nursery and i found him playing with the babies again.

"So, i really find it amusing,"
I spoke. "Your love for babies,"

TK looked at me.
"There's something about babies and kids that really touches my heart,"
He responded. "They are like baby warriors,"

He talked to me. It was a relief.

"I'm sorry TK,"
I stood beside him.
"I cannot help my self. I had to do it. Camila needed that hug, i also needed that hug. I miss her so much,"

"You said you are quitting,"
He replied. "It broke my heart Lauren. You are this close to finding the clock, and i was this close from finding the truth about me,"

"I am mad," I looked at him. "We say stupid things when we are mad.."

"I understand," TK nodded. "So it means, you want to continue?"

"Yes. I need to tell you something. Actually, a few things.."

"Okay. What is it?"
He spoke looking at me.

"First, i know what happened to Hopes boyfriend. He was on comatose state too and confined to this hospital,"

"What? That is tragic,"
TK was shocked.

"I know. Hope really has a deep and dark life. That's why she is sad and gloomy"

"She's basically, alone.."
TK mumbled.

"Second. Camila told me that the police are now reviewing the CCTV footages from the last day of tour. I guess they will eventually find out about Ashlee,",I smiled at him.

"So how about your plans on getting back at her?" TK asked.

"I won't do that anymore,"
I looked at him. "I will use my last possession to talk to George, to find the clock. But please don't come with me,"

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