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For the last few hours. Camila and I ended up cuddling and talking about things, about us.We are laying on my bed. Just staring at each other.

"Lauren. I will never get tired of looking at you," Camila mumbled, she gently caressed my cheek with her hand.

"I will never get tired of making out with you." I giggled.

Camila laughed. Her genuine smile is always making my heart skip a beat.

"Lauren you are really... god, i don't know how will i describe you, you are driving me crazy," She spoke, still carrying a huge smile on her face.

"But, seriously Camz,"
I looked straight at her.
"I am really happy to be here with you. If i could only freeze time.I want to stay like this with you, forever. "

Camila moved closer, she slid her hands to my abdomen, to my back, pulling me, giving me a tight hug.

"What are you saying Lauren. We will be together, forever." She mumbled, while resting her head on my shoulder, making our bodies collide.
I closed my eyes.The thought of losing her again is breaking my heart.But I agreed to take part on this experience.I need to follow rules, and i have no choice. Or do i?

I've been thinking about that consequences the TK was telling me.
Would it be really that difficult to save her?

"Hey, why are you silent?"
Camila spoke. She raised her head then looked at me.

"I am just enjoying this moment Camz. Your breast is pressing on my chest, that is like the softest and cutest thing ive ever felt," I giggled.

Camila turned red instantly.

"Haha. What?" I grinned at her.
"I am just making you laugh Camz,"

"Lauren.I am sorry, if sometimes i tend to get shy when we are doing stuffs, or talking about things.Because everything that is happening is really my first time," She said.

"Are you embarrassed that i gave you your  first times?" I asked.

"No!"Camila quickly answered.
"Of course not! Lauren, I wanted it to be you, I wanted it to be you so bad. I've been in love with you since i was 16, and now that all these things are happening, like, you.. falling for me too.. wow, this is perfect, i could literally die in peace," She giggled.

My heart stopped. The fuck.
"Camz.. don't s-say that,"

"I am sorry Lauren. I'm just, really happy,"She hugged me again.
"You made me so happy!"

I sighed then leaned slightly to kiss her forehead.

What am I supposed to do now?

Will i really just watch everything end?


Since we are both tired from the tour, Camila and I decided to take a rest.
Normani texted me and told me that they are on their way home.I accompanied Camila to her room, my hands are around her shoulder.
We stopped in front of her door.

"So, do you want to come in?"
Camila asked shyly.

"Do you want me to come in?"
I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Yes," She whispered, then leaned closer, placing her hands around my neck."But i'm afraid that if you'll get in i might not able to control myself again.."

I swallowed dryly. I cannot forget about that thought of having sex with her. Or literally touching what's under those pajamas. Even though Camila has been always a teaser, i still respect her.

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