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"I am sorry..but, what is it about?"
Camila interjected.

The doctor walked towards my bed. He glanced at the people around him. 

"Have you heard about DNR? or DO NOT RESUSCITATE order?"  
Dr. Perkins asked. 

Mom and Dad looked at eah other.
"Yes. We know about that,"
Dad spoke.

Camila raised an eyebrow.
"Wait. With all due respect, Lauren doesn't need that,"
She said.

"I am not saying that Lauren needs that. But, we are preparing for the worst here,"Dr. Perkins answered.
"The decision will still be coming from you, her loved ones,"
He looked around.

"No. Mercy killing is not.. no. We c,-cannot kil-" Mom cried. Dad quickly hugged her.

"Hon. It's not going to happen,"
My dad spoke calmly.

"I know DNR is a very debatable case. I understand how you are feeling. You can trust us, we are going to do everything to save her,"
The doctor spoke.
"I am going now,"

The doctor left the room. Leaving my parents, Taylor and Camila speechless.

"Dad, let's do everything to save Lauren." Taylor spoke.

"Yes. We will do everything hon.."
My dad replied. Mom just stared at Taylor.While Camila is looking at me.

"You'll get through this,"
She mumbled and gave me a kiss on a forehead. I looked at my body. I look very tired and exhausted.

"I will! I promise,"
I said.


The next day. My parents and Taylor had to go back to our house to get some stuffs. Camila is left to look after me.

She woke up early. Around 5am.
"Goodmorning Laur,"She gave me a quick kiss. "I love you,"

I closed my eyes. I know i have to be happy, hearing those words. But it pains me, that i couldn't give her a response. This is unconditional love, Camila continued loving me despite of all the odds and without getting anything in return. She doesn't deserve this.

Hope entered my room she's carrying all the things that she will be needing for my morning care.
"Goodmorning Camila, and Lauren,"
She said cheerfully and place her stuffs at the bedside.

"Goodmorning Nurse Hope,"
Camila smiled at her, she sad at my bed.

"I am here to help Lauren to get freshen up,"Hope position herself to my side.

"Uhmm.. can i watch?"Camila asked.
"Or can i help?"She added.

Hope lifted her eyebrows.
"Of course you can! But, are you sure?"

"Yes. I want to take care of her for the rest of my life. It's the part of the deal," Camila spoke smiling.

I feel so overwhelmed right now.
"Camz.. why are you like that."

"Okay then, help me turn this fighter to her side," Hope replied.

Camila willingly helped Hope as she perfoms her morning care.

"There. Your girlfriend is all freshen up," Hope smiled.

"Yes. Thank you nurse,"
Camila answered, she's currently combing my hair.

"Nope. Thank YOU, for helping me,"
Hope replied, she's now fixing my used linens.

Camila was silent. She was just looking at me.

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