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We are sleeping on the bus tonight, because an insider told our team that hundreds of fans gathered outside the hotel that we are supposed to stay for tonight. So our team decided to spend the night at the tour bus. We will transfer that the hotel as soon as the sitution is under control. Harmonizers are unstoppable. Our fans are so dedicated to us, i am so overwhelmed by all the love and support that we received from them.

Tonight, I'm on a mission, if im not mistaken, this is the night where Camila will have a high grade fever. I need to do something to prevent that from happening again.

"Goodbye Mons!"
I leaned and gave Mani a quick hug, she's busy applying some moisturizer on her face.

"Where are you going?"
Mani asked.

"I am going out, just going to buy something..."
I spoke smiling at her.

"Does Will knows about this?"
Normani looked worried.


Normani yelled.

"Don't worry!"
I said.
"I am just going to the grocery to buy stuffs,"

Normani raised an eyebrow.
"At this time? late night? You are going to the grocery to buy stuffs, this late?"


Normani shrugged.
"Okay. Take care,"

I smiled at her.
"I need to go now. I'll be back!"
I spoke, then walked my way to the door.

"Buy me some potato chips. Will ya?" Normani yelled.

I answered, then i left. 


"Hi Camz!"
I spoke as soon as the door of the bus opened.

"L-lern? hi?" 
Camilas eyes widened as soon as she saw me.She was covered with a blanket all over her body, her head popped out from the thick sheets.

"I'm sorry, did i woke you up?"
I spoke concerned.

"N,n-ope, I am still awake, since i cannot sleep," She spoke.
"Still not feeling well.."

"Can i come in?"
I cheerfully smiled.

"Ahmm..Dinah is already sleeping,"
She replied.

"I came here for you,"
I spoke.

Camila stared at me for a few seconds. 

I called her attention.

"Oh! S-,sure. Come in Lauren,"
She moved a side to give me some space.

I nodded then entered their bus. Everyone seemed to be asleep already.

"What brought you here?"
Camila asked after she closed the door. She removed the blanket from her body. She's wearing a black hoodie and a grey jogging pants.

"I was worried about your fever and your vertigo, so i brought you these.."
I spoke while lending her the paper bag. Which contains some stuffs that i bought from a grocery near the stadium where our bus are parked.

"What's this?"
She seemed excited, then took a peek at the paper bag.

"Just... stuffs.."
I helped her while she inspects the bag,
"..meds for fever and vertigo. I know that you are not feeling well, so I bought this for you. And the pharmacy assistant recommended me these meds, she said that they are the most effective.."

"Wow!" Camila looked at me.
"You bought it for me?"
Her eyes are shinning.

I nodded with a smile on my face.
"Yes, i did."

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