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"Try that man in front of the information desk," TK said.

"Okay!" I yelled. I carefully collapsed my body to the guy that's standing in front of the desk. Slowly, i close my eyes.

"Ughh. No.," I groaned.
Nothing happened again.My body just came passing through his body.
His the 18th person that i had tried to possess already.

"Its okay. How about that lady sitting at the lobby?"  TK tried to cheer me up. 

"Fine,"Quickly i slid through her body, but nothing happened. 

"This is not working boy!"
I yelled at TK. 

"C'mon. Think happy thoughts!"
He yelled.

"Really?" I rolled up my eyes on him.
I never felt this frustrated before. I tried so hard to force myself to ever single person that will pass our way. 

"That doctor," TK pointed out the incoming lady who's wearing blue scrubs. I shook my head. Since i have no choice. I slammed my self onto her. But it was useless.

I screamed in frustration.

"or the Janitor?"
TK commanded me again.

"No! I almost tried to possess everyone here at the lobby,"
I muttered while shaking my head. 
"No one seemed to work out for me,"

TK walked towards me.
"I told you its 1/100. We still have 80 people to try,"

"Let's stop for a while,"
I took deep breaths. Well it is really tiring. Slamming my self in the air. 

"Are you giving up?"
TK asked, He sounded worried. 

"No. I'm tired. I want to see camila,"
I looked at him. At this moment, i need Camila, i need her, she gives me strength. 

"Okay, well try again tomorrow,"
TK smiled at me. I know he's trying to cheer me up. "Hey dont lose hope,"

"I dont know," I avoided looking at him. "It kills me to see Ashlee linger around and i cannot do something about it. I just need to go back TK.. or at least wake up,"

"I understand," He held my shoulder.
"We will do everything,"

"Thanks,"I tried to smile at him. 
But I'm really not happy with what is happening.

I went back to my room and saw Camila fell asleep beside me again. She really dont want to leave me. 

"Hi Camz. I am back..."
I walked towards her.
 "Guess what? My day is so messed up. After i saw Ashlee flirting with you, i had to try to possess 20 people. crazy right?"

I looked at Camila, she looked comfortable sleeping beside me. Her hands are gently wrapped around my body. 

"I just really miss you," I mumbled.
"Thank you for not giving up on me. Just wait for me please,"
I leaned forward and tried to kiss Camila, but it doesn't work..l

I watched her sleep beside for for the next 30 minutes. She was awaken by a phone call. She went outside the room to answer the call, i followed her. 

"Hello Mom.."

"I am okay..."

"Lauren is stable, ... yes, she is.."

"Maybe I'll stay here for 3 more days.. I don't want to leave her mom..."

"I am so afraid that.. what if i won't get to see her again when i came back...,"

"No.. i am okay mom, you don't have to go here. I know you are busy too..  yes i am getting enough sleep here.."

"Thank you mom, i miss you.. tell Sofie to call me when she got back from school.. I love you.."

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