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We managed to follow Hope on her way home after ending an 8 hour shift. It was from 3pm to 11pm. But instead of changing to her pJ's, pouring herself a glass of water and reading a text book before going to sleep. Hope pulled out glass, and poured herself an iced cold beer.

I raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, and now, she's not only dark and gloomy,but she's also alcoholic? And who drinks beer?" I smirked.

"I told you. We have our moments,"
Tk spoke. "We still have to wait for her to sleep before you can possess her. Why don't we roam around the house first to check for places where she could be keeping the pair,"

"Fine," I shrugged. Since we don't really have a choice.

TK and I wandered inside her house.I went to the second floor. I haven't been on this side of the house. The second floor is a huge space, it has a study table and a hug sofa.set at the middle, it has a door connecting to the balcony.

I lifted my eyebrows when i saw a mini library on the side. I scanned through the bookshelves, and found a lot of medical text books.

Probably it is her boyfriends collection. Since she mentioned that he was a doctor.

"You know what, i am really wondering why i haven't seen her boyfriend," I yelled at TK who's on the ground floor.I continued eyeing the shelves.

TK didn't answered. I gazed at him, he was looking at the awards and plaques that was displayed on the wall.

"Do you think they already broke up?"
I added."I mean, that would really makes sense, since Hope is all dark and gloomy these past few days,"

"I don't think so," TK answered.
"I guess his name is Dr. Rick Torres. It was written all over this plaques and awards, and he's one of the most outstanding junior resident awardee. I mean maybe he also lives here. His awards wouldn't be displayed here if he didn't,"

"Yeah. You're right..." I went down stairs."Maybe he has a different shifting schedule.."

"Yes. Probably. Doctors mostly have a 24 to 48 hour shifting schedule,"
TK spoke.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know,"

I rolled up my eyes."Ugh! Fine.."
I left him and continued roaming around. I went inside her room.

I saw the TK's clock pendant unmoved on top of the drawer.
"The pendant is still here," I uttered.

TK followed me inside.
"There is her drawer. We wil try to search that later," He mumbled.

I looked at the 4 decker drawer.

After searching her room. We went back outside to check on Hope. Hope drank 2 bottles of beer,and now her head was slightly tilting on her side. She's smirking like a fool.

"Oh. Nice, and now i have to possess a drunk woman," I rolled up my eyes.

Then suddenly. Hope collapsed on the floor.

"Really Hope?? You were knocked down by 2 bottles of beer?"
I giggled.

"Lauren! Help her.." TK called my attention.

"How? Do you want me to carry her to bed?" I grinned.

"No,its your turn,"
He answered. "You'll have to possess her now. We've been out here for 2 hours already,"

"Fine," I hissed while carefully kneeling down. This will be my 3rd attempt. I am really praying that something good will happen this time.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.And i just a matter of seconds, i am feeling the same electrifying feeling again, a sudden gush of hot and cold sensation travelled around the core of my body.

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