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A/N --- Trust me.. :)

"Lauren?," Dinah called my attention. "It's your turn," She smiled at me, because she knows about it.

I took a deep breath then glanced at Camila. She smiled softly.

"What's up harmonizers?" I said. "Thank you for coming tonight you chicken heads!"The crowd screamed.
"Okay, now, before the show ends. I would like to tell you all something.."

Suddenly the noise was lessen, the crowd was listening. I looked around and see Dinah, Normani, Camila and Ally watching me..

"I would like to confess something,"
I spoke looking at Camila.
"Well, actually, Camz and I would like to confess something,"

Camila walked towards me. I held her hand, then i faced the huge crowd in front of us, if i am not mistaken, there are almost 6000 people inside.The crowd were cheering like crazies.

"Lauren? Wow. I knew it,"
Normani raised an eyebrow smiling at me.

"Go for it!" Dinah cheered for us.

"Jesus! Let her finish,"Ally replied. She nervous and excited.

I looked at Camila who's smiling at me. I gazed back at the crowd in front of me. My heart is still racing but i dont fucking care anymore, i need to let it all out.

"You see.. Camila and I," I bit my lip when i saw that the fans are screaming like hell, they are going crazy.I stopped talking, i am really overwhemled right now.

"Ohvmy lord..."
I saw Ally looked at Dinah and Normani.

"Just let her finish,"
Dinah grinned.

Normani cheered for us.

I gazed at Camila. I cannot continue speaking because my tears are building up. I am happy, nervous, scared and overwhelemed at the same time.

"Lauren and I are in love..."
Camila spoke. She squeezed my hand, still carrying that smile on her face.
"Camren is Real,"

The crowd was unstoppable right now, cameras everywhere, capturing this perfect moment.

"I've been in love with this green eyed girl since the first time i saw her. I've never fallen out of love ever since,"
Camila looked at me.
"And with a twist of fate, it turns out she is in love with me too. Thats the most amazing thing that has ever happened to my life,"

I cannot hold my tears anymore.
So i let it all out. I cried. In front of Camila, and everyone around us.

Camila hugged me.
"Hey.. baby don't cry," She whispered, while rubbing my back.

I wiped my tears, then i faced her.
"I am so happy right now, feels like im dreaming,"

Camila kissed me on the forehead.
"It's not a dream Lauren,"

The stadium was filled with cheers, happiness and tears of joy.

I took a deep breath then faced the crowd. "I am sorry, i thought i could handle myself right there,"
I giggled. "But yes.. I am in love with a Unicorn. Im in love with you Camila Cabello and i will love you for the rest of my life,"

"I love you too Lauren Jauregui.."
Camila answered.

The fans started cheering for CAMREN! They are screaming and yelling like crazies, all the people inside the stadium are having mixed emotions right now. I glanced at the girls and saw Ally crying ,she's touched and overwhelmed by whats happening. While Dinah and Normani are smiling at us.

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