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"Hey! Wake up Lauren!" I opened my eyes as soon as i heard Normani yelling from the outside of my bunk. Her voice served as my alarm clock.

Well it is always like this.
Though i set my alarm an hour earlier before wake up call, i usually wouldn't hear it.

Thanks to Normani, she never forgets to wake me up. Since we always share the same bus or hotel room,she knows me too well.

I slightly opened the curtain of my bunk. "Goodmorning Mani,"
I spoke smiling. I hugged my pillow tightly.

"Finally! It took me 7 minutes to wake you up!" Normani rolled up her eyes. She's all prepped up, wearing a white shirt and a black jeans.

"You already took a shower?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm going inside the hall now, im starving. See you there," Normani answered, then waved goodbye.

As usual, I am late for breakfast again. Well, technically it's brunch, because it is 10:10am on my clock.vIt's the 18th day of the month.

I sighed as i remembered that we still got 1 month until the last day of our tour, and i already feel exhausted. I miss our house so much. I've been living in my bunk, and hotel rooms for the last 3 months now.

I did a few stretchings before i decided to get out of my bunk.
I grabbed my towel and took a quick shower.

Another day..
Another City..
another tour...
We've been so busy promoting our album.

After i put on some plain clothing, a red croptop, light jeans, pump heels, i went inside the hall where we are going to perform.

*at the cafeteria*

The cafeteria was crowded, full of the staff and crew members of the 727 tour. I greeted them all goodmorning and gave them my warmest smiles.

I love these people. They have been with us since 'Better together' days, until now.

After i picked something to eat from our buffet of foods,which is 2 pieces of fried chicken, a cup of mashed potato, an apple and a bottle of water, I wandered my eyes around to look for Normani. I finally saw Normani, she's sitting on the corner table, with Ally, Dinah and Camila.

"Lauren! Come here!" Ally waved at me.

"Ugh. Sleeping beauty is finally awaken y'all!" Dinah shouted.

"Yeah. It took me 7mins to wake her up, which is good, because yesterday.. it took me 10!" Normani muttered.

"Halo! goodmorning!"
I smiled and gazed at my girls. My green orbs met the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen.

Camilas eyes.

She didn't even bother to look at me. She's busy looking at her phone while munching her banana.

Well i am used to it.  It has been our 'routine' to avoid each other. Ever since the 'CAMREN THING' became overrated, we needed to distance our selves from each other. Because it is becoming awkward. Like everything we do, we say, we post, are being linked to CAMREN. Everything is so awkward now between me and Camila. We hardly even talk, or look at each other. I must say, i miss her.
She's my bestfriend,well, before.
She's closer to Dinah now, and I am closer to Normani. The way we treat each other now is too plain, and casual. We have no choice. It will help us to lessen the chaos.

But it hurts.. bigtime..
Since i am.. secretly in love with her.

I really cannot recall how, or why did i developed that strange feeling, but all i know is that. I love her... but i need to avoid her. It's what i should do, before i fall harder.

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