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I threw my phone at the foot side of my bunk because the alarm keeps on buzzing.

Just i thought. It wasn't the alarm.
It's my ringtone!
DAMN! I grabbed my phone.

20missed calls. 10messages.

Some of the messages are from Normani and Dinah. Most of my missed calls are from Will, our tour manager.

I almost forgot! I am so fucking late for 'hair and makeup'. I looked at the clock, it is 1pm. 3pm is the usual time for our 'soundchecks'.

I slept late last night, After talking to TK. I really find it hard to sleep. I kept on thinking about the last day of tour.
I quickly jump out of my bunk. I was alone at our bus. Of course, Normani is already inside getting prepped up.I told her to wake me up. But i supposed she was not able to wake me up this time. After a quick shower, i put on a grey shirt, light jeans and a white converse.

I looked my self in the mirror.

"That will do," I mumbled. Since i really dont have time to pick the right clothing. And I am so fucking late.


"Lauren! What happened to you!"
Will shouted as soon as he saw me.

"I fell asleep," I giggled. I know he cannot stay mad at me.

"Lauren! I saw you sneaking in last night," He yelled. I

"I am sorry.. It will never happen again," I lowered my head and avoided looking at him.

Willy shook his head.
"Rules are rules Jaureg-,"

"Hey. Don't be mad at her, she went out last night to buy meds for me," Camila interjected. She was sitting at the sofa in front of us.

I looked at Camila. She smiled at me. She seemed okay now. I guess my nursing skills worked. She was not brought to the Hospital. 

"Is that true?"
Will raised an eyebrow, doubtful of what Camila said.

"Yes! I did that,"
I smirked.

"Fine," Will muttered. "Go find your make up artist now, you looked so wasted!"

I exhaled deeply when Will left.

"Thanks Camz,"
I sat beside her

"Nah,. it's nothing," She answered. "Compared for what you did for me last night,"

"How are you?"
I asked.

"I'm okay now, thank you for taking care of me Laur. What will i do without you?" Camila said. She smiled softly. Our eyes connected for a few seconds. Camila bit her lower lip shyly. Damn. I missed kissing those lips. I avoided looking at her. 

"Lauren!" Normani yelled.
Her hair is being prepared the hair stylist. Beside her is Ally who is busy looking at herself in front of the mirror while the make up artist is prepping her.

"You didn't wake me up,"
I rolled up my eyes on her.

"Believe me. I tried my very best to wake you up. But seemed like sleeping beauty possessed you or something," Normani laughed.

"Hah... funny..."
I replied.

"Lauren, you are next to Ally.."
Marge, our make up artist spoke.

"Alright Marge. I'll just sit here,"
I looked at her.

Im still sitting Camila, who's busy tapping her phone. I wanted to tell her how happy i was to see that she's okay now. I slowly moved a sit closer to her. Then i pulled out my phone, to browse some stuffs. 

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