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"Fuck," I just felt my heart is breaking.

Camila was sitting beside my bed sobbing. "I'm sorry Lauren, i will never leave you again."

"Camz.. it's  not your fault,"
I walked towards her.

"I love you so much,"
She whispered.

"I love you too Camz,"

Though the thought that i almost died last night is still freaking me out. Seeing Camila in front of me was somehow a relief. She gave me strength. I am fighting so hard for her. 

"I will never leave you Camz," I said.

Taylor stood up then hugged Camila.
Camila hugged my sister back.
"Hey Taylor,"

"She almost died Camzi,"
Taylor is starting to cry again.

"Taylor," Camila cupped her face.
"Lauren survived. That is the most important thing right now," 

Taylor stopped crying.
"I am sorry, it kills me to see her like that,"

Camila didnt say a word. She hugged Taylor tightly. I know Camila is also suffering but she is giving all of her best to stay strong for me and for my family. 

I cannot continue like this. 

I need to fucking find that clock. I will talk to George.


The next day. I managed to escape from TK. Hope is about to go home from her graveyard shift. I wont wait for Hope until she gets home and put herself to sleep. I need to use her right now. I need to talk to the old man. Maybe he's not telling me about the clock because of TKs presence.

I quickly followed her on her way out of the hospital. 

Suddenly Hope stopped walking near the exit. Perfect. This is the right timing. I took a deep breath and positioned my self.

I am about to slam my body to hers, but when suddenly, Hope collapsed on the floor. She fainted. 

"What the hell!" I was stunned. 

"What did you do?"
Tk apperead behind me. 

"Nothing!" I screeched. 

TK was looking furiosuly at me. 

"What? I was just following her,"
I avoided looking at him. 

He shook his head. 

People who are passing by immediately noticed Hope, they brought her to the Emergency room. 


Hope was checked and placed at a certain examination room. A nurse is with her, waiting for her to wake up. Tk and I are watching Hope. She was sleeping at one of the beds inside the examination room. 

"She seemed weak," I spoke and looked at TK. "I cannot continue using her body if she's like that,"

"Well you could have put her in danger if you possessed her a while ago," TK looked at me, 

I did not answer.

"What are you doing? You are trying to possess her in the middle of her consciousness?" He yelled.

"I want to talk to George!! Okay??"
I yelled back.
"I almost died TK! Almost! I feel like we are just wasting our time here. If we will continue waiting for Hope, i will eventually die. This cannot be like this,"

"But still, there are ru---"

"Well fuck the rules!" I yelled. 

TK was shocked.
"Wow. Lauren. You dont just fuck with my rules, did you see what happened to you?"

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