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The health care givers checked Hope's condition. They took her vital signs and gave her first aid, and placed her on oxygen support via nasal cannula. The doctor assumed the Hope fainted because of over fatigue.

TK and I are inside the nurses call room, waiting for Hope to wake up.

"Are you mad at me?"
I tried to break the silence.

He avoided looking at me.
"Yes. You were being stubborn and impulsive again,"

"I'm sorry okay? You cannot blame me! I am excited! This is what we are waiting for," I answered. 

"There are rules Lauren!"
He uttered. 

"Here we go with your rules again!"
I shook my head.
"Can't you see? You are not the time keeper anymore. We are just both.. lost souls here TK! or , what ever is your name is,"

 TK did not answered. He was silent again. I somehow felt guilty. I know that i am wrong. But i am so fed up from obeying him and his rules.

"I,-I am sorry. Im just tired, and frustrated. I did not mean to say that,"
I spoke. 

"Just listen to me next time, please."
TK begged.

I nodded. Then It was silent again.  

I am re-thinking about my actions a while ago. Yes. I was impulsive. But i got so excited! I cannot helped but think about the possibilities or the chance to talk or hug Camila again. 

My thoughts faded when i saw Hope moved. She's awake. 

She quickly rose from the bed.
Hope mumbled, while massaging the temple of her head. She then removed the oxygen support connected to her.

"Where are you going Hope? Are you okay?" I am worried.

I looked at TK, though he's not saying anything, i know he's worried about Hope. Well obviously he is, he yelled at me like he's my mom. Hope stood up. She grabbed her bag, but the door opened. The doctor who checked her up a while ago entered.

"Hope," The old man saw her.
"How are you?"

"Dr. Peters. What happened?"
Hope asked. 

"You fainted. Molly saw you at the hall, so they had to bring you here," Dr. Peters explained. "How are you feeling?"

"I,i- dont know.. All i know is that i am tying my shoe lace. That's the last thing i remembered," Hope answered, she was trying to recall everything. 

"Hope, I would recommend that we do more exams to check if you are really okay,"

Hope quickly answered.
"I mean, im just tired. Yeah, that's it. I guess i am just tired," She avoided looking at Dr.Peters

"Whats with her?"
I mumbled. I looked at TK.
"Seemed like she's hiding something from Dr. Peters,"

TK shrugged.
"Maybe she's tired."

"Ughh. For real?"
I raised an eyebrow. It's too obvious that Hope was hiding something.

"You are hypotensive Hope, your blood pressure is 90/60. Have you been getting enough sleep?"
Dr. Peter asked.  

Hope did not answered. 

"Is it because of Ri--"

"I need to go home now,"
Hope interjected.
"Thank you so much for taking care of me Dr. Peters, i'll see you tomorow," Hope smiled at the old man then makes her way out of the room. 

We followed her. She seemed startled when the doctor said that she needs to undergo some exams to make sure that she's okay. Maybe she's afraid of the needles or something? I mean who wouldn't be afraid of needles.

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