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The instructor guided my hand as we are now walking to the unknown path.

"What that hell did get into.."
I whispered as i entered the room.

"You may now sit carefully..."
The instructor spoke.
I landed perfectly on a soft surface.

I heard mumbles around me. Still my eyes are blind folded.

"Listen up guys.."
The instructor spoke loudly, enough to fill the room with his voice.
"When you hear the beeping sound, you will remove your blind folds, or you will stop talking to your dates.. is that clear?"



"Bring it on.."

Some people responded to the instructor. I shook my head.
I just want this night to end.


I heard the beeping sound.
So i slowly removed my blindfold.
Damn. It is really total darkness.
I cannot see anything, only a dimmed light at the corner of the room, but it is not enough for me to see anything inside the room, everything is black.

I heard foot steps in front of me.

"So... hey.."
Someone spoke. She's probably my first date. Her voice sounds deep.

"Hey..." I responded.
"How are you?"

"I am fine. How are you?"
She asked.

"I'm starving..,"
I giggled.

Im trying to picture the person in front of me, but all i see is darkness, i can feel her movement though.

"We can eat after if you want too." She said.

"I have my friends with me. But, we will see." I answered.  Well, if she's cute, why not.

"So, why are you here?"
She asked.

"Well, i really don't know.."
I answered.

"Are you looking for a girlfriend?"

"What?" I awkwary laugh.
"No, actually i am not. Because, i am sort of, in love with someone....,"

"Then why are you here?"
She asked me again.

"Wait. How about you? Why are you here?" I tried to redirect our topic. She keeps on asking questions about me. I really dont open up to strangers.

"I'm here because i need someone to talk to and to share my hobby with.."
She answered cheerfully.

"Okay, that's nice.. whats your hobby?"

"I collect cockroaches..."

My eyes widened.
"Wait.. what??"

"I collect different kinds of Cockroaches..."
She uttered.

Ew! That is so gross.
"Wow.. that is so... unique..,"
I awkwardly laughed.

"Yes.. i already have 200 of them. They are my babies..."
She answered.

Wtf! She's the weirdest person ever.
I thought everything is going on smoothly. Dang!

"...Do you know the theory that cockroaches and shrimps are related? they are both members of the phylum Arthropoda. This means that they share many common characteristics such as segmented bodies and legs, and a hard outer skeleton. Basically when you eat shrimp you also get to taste cockroaches. As members of the same phylum, shrimps and cockroaches share a common ancestor. This ancestor lived in water just like the shrimp. When the two lineages split, both lineages also lived in water and als--.."

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