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Days had passed. Camila and I continued our special bond. We are sort of in a secret relationship now. And i am really happy. 

This is definitely not part of the plan. 

But this is better.

I already told her how i feel for her, and now we are really enjoying each others company. Well, secretly enjoying, since we are not yet out in the open. 

We would just act casual around each other, steal glances from each other, stealthily touch each others arms, or hands, or if we are in the same room together with the girls, we would usually text each other sweet nothings, which will make us both smile like fools. Maybe this is better. Since, this is the only chance i got and only few days are remaining before the end of our tour, i need to make the most out of it. 


Our call time is on 12pm today. But i had to wake up at 6AM  because Normani went to our bus to wake me up to ask me if i want to join her morning running routine, since the stadium that we are going to perform later has an oval track in the middle. 

Of course i refused. I cannot even climb the stairs of our house without catching a breath, and now she wants me to run 400meters. I'm pretty sure that Normani is planning to kill me. 

So she brought Dinah with her instead. Dinah agreed to join Normani but in return, Normani will take pictures of Dinah. They both agreed, with that whatsoever deal and left. 

Now i find it so hard to go back to sleep since Normani interrupted it my peaceful sleeping pattern and now I'm hungry. I looked at my clock, it's 6:30 am. Breakfast will be served at 9am. Ugh, i cannot wait that long, I am starving. I jumped out of my bunk, i quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went straight to the mini kitchen im going to make a sandwich. 

I found some loaf breads, cold cuts, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato and cheese.

"This will do," I mumbled. I tied my hair to a bun. Wash my hands and started preparing my sandwich. 

"Good morning Lauren,"
Camila appeared behind me. Damn. I almost forgot that am alone with Camila inside the bus. 

Wait. What the hell. I can remember this exact moment. I swallowed hard then glanced at her, she's smiling at me. Shes wearing an over sized shirt matching with a pajama. I suddenly felt awkward and exposed because i forgot to put on my pajama, i am wearing a black tank top matching with a red  short-shorts, like boxer panties. I feel so.. exposed, again.

Camila stood beside me, near the sink and started brushing her teeth.  I tried to stay calm as possible. I continued slicing the bread. 

"Where is Dinah?," She asked.

"She's with Normani, they are running at the oval track,"
I answered, slowly gazing at her.

She giggled.
"Really? Dinah is running?"

I smiled at her. "Well, in exchange for her candid shots,"

"Oh." She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Mmm,so they left us, alone..."

"Y,-yes... But the crew members are inside the hall i guess, i mean if you dont want to be alone with me,"
I spoke.

"It's fine.. i want to be alone with you," She said seductively.
"Don't you want to be alone with me?" 

I shrugged. "I have no choice,"
I jokingly smirked at her. I took a deep breath. Focus Lauren! I gazed back to my food. 
"Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich?"I asked without looking at her. All i know is that she was behind me.

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