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We entered a simple studio type unit. A small apartment which combines living room, bedroom, and kitchenette into a single room.It actually has a pretty neat decor.His walls are painted with color blue, which really appeared relaxing to my eyes. Weird. He's supposed to be creepy. I assumed that a Psycho like him will have a messy house or something, but it turned out, his room is more organized than my life right now. I looked around his flat and my eyes widened when i saw a huge portrait of Camila hanging from his wall.

"Oh my god,"
Dinah whispered.

I looked at Dinah. Stunned.
"The fuck," I mumbled.

Nate stopped walking.
"Have a seat?" He shrugged while pointing at the sofa in the middle of the room.

"Thanks but we are not going to stay that long,"I refused.
"I just need to ask you something.."

Nate raised his head, then he looked at me. "Oh. You asked if you could come in. Then you'll say that you're not going to stay that long. The hell was that? But fine. What is it Lauren?"
He asked with sarcasm. I could feel that he hates me. The way he looked at me, he's irritated by my presence.
But he let us in.

"Please don't go to our concert," I said firmly. "at the last day of tour.."

"What?" Nate was shocked. "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. I am begging you. Nate you are scaring us, specifically Camila. Please leave her alone,"I said in a very calm manner.

I saw his mood changes. From a soft aura, his face suddenly became weird, he's now grinning and smirking at us while he's shaking his head slowly.

"Lauren... Lauren... Lauren..."
He sang my name.

Fuck. That is so creepy.
He started walking towards us.
I felt Dinah grabbing my hand. She's scared.

I glanced at her.
"It's fine. Trust me."

"...i cannot do that. Camila is waiting for me. Finally, she would get to see me now. I've been waiting for this moment to come, i bet she is.. too..."
Nate spoke while looking at Camilas portrait.
"Don't worry, I'll be cheering for all of you too, but to be honest, i am just going to watch it because of Camila... screw you OT4!!!"
He yelled at us.

I catched a breath.
Nate is starting to scare me.
"What??No. You need to stop imagining things. Camila is not waiting for you. You are scaring her."
I replied. My hands are shaking.

Nate slowly looked at me, he raised an eyebrow then he laughed.
"Ohh... look at you Lauren. Are you jealous? Camila is not scared of me. She loves me..."

"I am sorry but, she doesn't,"
I replied.

"No!! She loves me!!!"
He yelled again. He's starting to get mad.

"Nate. You need to listen to me. Camila doesn't love you. You need to stop posting creepy stuffs, because you are just scaring Camila away. If you want to be close to her in some way, just be realistic and stop lying to your self,"

"C,c-amila is scared of me?"
His voice was shaking.

"Yes. So Please. Just.. don't go to our concert. I am begging you.."
I mumbled.

"Why are you doing this Lauren?"
He asked. Nate looked straight at me.
His mood changes from beast mode to a sad puppy.

"Because, I love her, and i will do anything to protect her,"
I answered..

"Oh, Lauser," Dinah smiled at me. 

"But, I will never hurt Camila,"
Nate spoke.

He's crazy as fuck! Liar! He killed Camila.

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