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Another day for our 727 tour.

I was facing the mirror, doing my vocalizations, waiting for Will to call us. All of us are glammed up, ready to perform in front of our fans.

Ally is as usual on her phone again,talking to her boyfriend. Dinah and Normani is busy taking some pre-show snaps.

"Where is Camila?"
I asked.

Ally shrugged.
"She said she's thirsty. Maybe she's at the pantry..."

Oh shoot!
I forgot.
Her vertigo. Camila is not feeling well today.

"GIRLS! WE''LL START IN 20 MINUTES.. GET READY!" Will yelled in front of our door.

I decided to go to the mini kitchen to look for Camila.

I stopped walking when i saw her in front of the water dispenser.
Our eyes met for a few seconds again.

"Getting warmed up?" She asked, then raised the cup of water that she was holding.

I answered, i tried to maintain my composure, then slowly walked towards her.
I need to act normal.

She moved a side to give me some space as i leaned forward to get myself a cup of warm water. I tried to stay calm.

I wonder if she's looking at me. The outfit that i am wearing right now is really revealing the cheeks of my butt. This is my sexiest outfit ever.

I stood up and drank my water. I never looked at her, but i know, i can feel, Camila was still behind me.
I am waiting for the right moment.
Then i suddenly felt, something touched my shoulder.
It was her.

This is really crazy.. everything is happening again, same time, same place, same manner.

"Camz, hey are yo--"
Her head was leaning to my shoulder.

"Wait. I am sorry Lauren, but.. please stay still.."
Camila answered.

"Are you alright?"
I asked.

Camila groaned a little.
"I am dizzy, My head is spinning right now.I am really not feeling well Laur..."

We are still on that awkward position, i am standing while she's behind me, her head leaning on my shoulders.

".........Please.. just, let me lean over you. It's making me feel better.."
She whispered.

I can feel her body heat against mine.

"You feel hot?"
I am worried.

"Yes... i have a fever, but i already drink a strong medicine.. it will eventually help me to lose my fever, i just didn't expect to have vertigo..." She whispered, i could feel the warmth of her voice touching my ear.

"You are having vertigo Camila... your head are not supposed to be lower beneath your shoulders.."
I replied.

"I cannot move Lauren,"
Camila answered.

"Are your eyes closed?"
I asked her.

She whispered.

"Wait, let me help you."
I carefully held her head, then turn around to face her.
"You need to sit down okay?. I am going to do the Epley maneuver,"

"Whats that?" Camila looked worried.

"It's a maneuver to help treat vertigo. Come here," I guided her to the sofa in front of us.

Camila carefully sat down.

"Relax Camz."
I whispered. She nodded, still with her eyes closed.I carefully turn her head so that it is halfway between looking straight ahead and looking directly to the side . Without changing her head position, I repeated the motion slowly.

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