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My eyes widened when i saw Rick walking towards us, while pushing a baby stroller. He's smiling at us.... at me.

"Hey hon, sorry we are late,"
Rick spoke, he leaned forward and gave his wife a quick kiss. Then he carefully parked the baby stroller in front of is.

I was just looking at him, examining his reaction. Rick looked at us, his eyes widened.

"Wow! Hi, Camren!" He spoke smiling.

"Camila and Lauren, meet Rick.. my husband," Hope gladly introduced Rick to us.

"Hello Rick, it was so nice to meet you," Camila offered her hand.

Rick smiled, and shook Camilas hand. ugh, his boyish charms again. I'm so happy to see him. He's Alive. We both survived the portal.

"I am a big fan of Fifth Harmony. Me and my wife actually,"
Rick spoke, after shaking my girlfriends hand. Rick smiled then he looked at me.

I'm just standing there, examining his reactions. Does he remember? Or not?

"Hi Lauren," Rick called my attention. He lifted his right hand, trying to offer a hand shake but i gave hugged him instead.

"Oh.Wow." He mumbled.

I couldn't help it. I felt my tears started running down from my eyes. Mixed emotions. But mainly tears of joy.

"Hey, are you crying?"
Rick asked.

I withdrew myself from hugging him and quickly wiped my tears.
"I,i-m sorry, it's just that," I glanced at Camila who's looking at me, She nodded and lightly rubbed my back.
"...i heard about your story. That we both survived our almost dying experience. Im just happy to see you, a fellow survivor,"

Rick looked at me for a few seconds.
"I understand. But you don't have to cry. We are both here Lauren, Alive.."
He spoke then he gave me a pat on my right shoulders.

I nodded. "Yes Dr. Torres. That is the most important thing. We both survived,"

"It was a hell of a ride, wasn't it?"
Rick asked.


"Being unconscious and comatose?"
The Doctor answered. "On my part everything is so confusing..and blurry,"

"Do you remember anything? While you're in coma?" I asked. I glanced at Camila and Hope who's listening to us.

"It was a crazy experience. The last thing i remembered before my accident was the moment I am in a car speeding down and slamming my face to the steering wheel, because I didn't wore a seatbelt. The next thing i knew, I felt my body being moved around on a bed and the blurred images and voices are back. I lay there forever and sometimes groaning with every exhalation just to hear something"
Rick answered.

"It is really a crazy experience, doc.."
I replied. It's clear to me now. He doesnt remember anything about our journey.

"I could remember something though. I remember that i kept on hearing a clock ticking. I could recall that i saw a clock moving counter clockwise. It was weird. I hear voices but can’t understand what it was saying. I remembered that i was walking and running, but i don't know where i was going. There are blurred images of faces peering then darkness comes again. I could remember that i was talking to someone the whole time. But i couldn't remember the person. Then i remembered that i was falling down,that's last thing i can recall before i woke up," Rick explained.

I nodded a few times, just listening to Rick.

"But all of a sudden, things become clearer and I became a little bit more aware. I suddenly can open my eyes. I saw that i am in hospital bed with something wrapped around my neck that prevented me from moving it. My hands are strapped down to the sides of the bed. The bed has a netting surrounding it to keep me from falling out. I saw a nurse come in and tried to talk to her. When that happened there was a commotion. I heard someone say he’s awake and then others came running in. A doctor asked me if I knew my name. As I tried to answer the voice I heard was high pitched like a child’s," Rick giggled and looked at his wife.
"But the first thing that i thought about is you, Hon..."

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