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I opened my eyes, i felt so tired.Im breathing heavily. Feels like my body was heavily beaten, i felt weak and sore or  i was kind of like emerging from deep waters. I remember seeing the world through my eyes, then being pulled backwards quickly through blackness—like going through a very long tunnel backwards, or backwards through a dimension of nothingness.

I looked around and noticed that i am surrounded by white walls.It was sort of blurry, i slightly rubbed my eyes.

Where the fuck am i?

"Finally. You are awake..."
Someone spoke beside me.
It was TK. He was sitting beside me. Everything is much clearer now.
I am at a waiting area of a hospital.

"TK? Shit. What happened? Where are we?"  I spoke confused.

He shook his head.
"We are at the hospital Lauren,"
He answered with a serious tone.

"Fuck. Where is Camila?? What happened?" I stood up.

"Stop cursing Lauren,"
TK uttered. "Please. Sit down,"

I looked at him. He's really serious.
I obeyed his command. I sat beside him again.

"I,i-thought you already left?"
I asked confused. Because i am pretty sure that he disappeared together with the portal.

"I will never leave you,"
He answered firmly.
"Lauren, i told you not to mess up.."

"I am sorry. I know that i broke your rules. But i had no choice. I needed to do that, to save Camila,"
I spoke.

TK sighs. He did not answer.

"Now can you tell me why we are here? I want to see Camila."
I begged him.

All i can remember was pushing Camila from the incoming bullet, and TK said that she saved me before, i was supposed to die but she catched the bullet for me.

And, oh! Ashlee! Damn!
I need to get her!!!!


" I know you are mad.. i am sorry, how can i make up to you?"I replied with sincerity.

He shook his head again.
"It's too late,"


"Lauren.. It's too late.."
He looked at me.

I am really cluless and nervous with what he had said. But my feelings fade away when I suddenly saw Camila appeared, she's walking towards us.

I called her. She's alive!
She didn't get to hear me though because, she was talking to someone over her phone. I ran after her.

I gazed at TK who seemed to be disappointed with what is happening, but i don't care.Because Camila is alive, and i am here.

"Yes mom, i am at the hospital.."
I heard her spoke.

She seemed to not notice me, she looked at my way our eyes met, but her expression is blank.

"I'll be staying with her here at the hospital maybe for a couple of days,"
Camila said, she's probably talking to Sinu.

"Alright mom, I will take care, tell Sofi i miss her.. i love you.."Camila put her phone down

She entered the elevator,I also went inside with her.

"Hey Camz! I know who tried to shoot us! It was Ashlee!"I spoke.

Camila is not looking, she's busy texting on her phone.

"Camz? Seriously? I am just right here..."I yelled.

She did not answered. The elevator opened, Camila walked towards the long corridor of the hospital.
Then suddenly.. I saw my mom, and Taylor. I stopped walking.

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