END - Part 1 :)

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1 year later.


"A date in the park, while walking beside the love of your life. This is the perfect date," Camila spoke, smiling at me, then carefully intertwined our fingers. 

"Hodling hands while walking?"
I grinned. 

"Yep. While eating banana ice cream,"
Camila smirked. She started munching her ice cream cone, like a kid. 

It's been one year since the accident.  I am now fully recovered from my injury. The past 12 months wasn't that easy for me. After i was discharged from the hospital but i continued my therapy. With the help of Dr. Perkins, my lungs are now healed, but the bullet that hit me left a scar on my back. The scar that i will treasure forever. Treasure is the perfect word. I guess, i will never forget what happened to me, until the day that i die. What I've been through is an out of this world experience. But i am alive, Camila is alive and i don't have to question that. I am so lucky to be given another chance. Twelve months had passed, and im still shook, confused as fuck. Though im still questioning everything if it's dream or reality, im still thankful.

I also went to tons of interviews, tv guestings and different health magazine features. People are really amazed with my almost 'death' experience and on how did i managed to get back to life.

If only they knew. But it will really sound insane and crazy.

On the other hand, Fifth Harmony decided to take a break, to let me fully heal. I am really thankful for our fans because they continued supporting us, despite of what happened.

Ashlee is now serving her 15years on Jail for attempted murder. We never had a trial for my case. Ashlee was pleaded guilty because of all the evidences that was used against her.
I never got the chance to talk to her tho, because whenever i will try to visit her she would reject me. But i still want to talk to her. She's also my friend, even though she tried to kill me. I'm trying to understand her point here. Maybe that's really the effect of being madly in love, we do crazy things. Like what Camila did for me , and what i did for her. I'm still hoping that Ashlee would somehow talk to me.

Camila and I are now the Power Couple. All of our family, friends,relatives, fans and all the people around us, showed a huge and warm support for CAMREN.

And after one year, tomorrow is the day. Together with Camila, Ally, Dinah and Normani, Fifth Harmony is back again. We will be recording our new album tomorrow.I can't wait to be back on track and just do what i love, with the person who matters to me the most, Camila.

Camila changed my definition of love and commitment. I am not the type of person who believes in fate. I’m a skeptic; a realist. I am absolutely not the type of girl who believes in love songs, or soul mates, or grand romantic gestures similar to those fashioned Katherine Heigl from her chick flicks. No- I am an independent person, and I am proud to say so. I love being by myself.  That being said, I have never been the type of girl who fantasizes about a relationship like the one in The Notebook. I would much rather focus on myself, or have a great night out with friends than worry about what some person might think of me. Meeting Camila changed everything. The happiest I have ever been in my life was during this fight for love with her.

Our “relationship,” wasn’t perfect,  but it was something. The two of us were terrified of getting hurt, but at the same time, too drawn in by one another to let it all go. I loved the funky way she would dance goofily, and I loved the way Camila wakes me up the morning. I loved how we liked our coffee the same way and she would offer up her tee shirts for me to snuggle in. I loved every single one of our two hour phone calls. And I loved the way she’d always surprise me with my favorite candy on your way over to my place. All of these things, among the innumerable other aspects of our “relationship”. I would do anything to live like this forever.

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