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"No! This is real. You traveled back through time and i am here to guide you, and by the way you can call me TK, i am the Time Keeper.."

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Are you kidding me?Time keeper my ass," This guy is insane. I pulled out the clock pendant on my pocket.
"Here! I am returning this to you. You freak! Leave me alone!"
I threw the pendant. I quickly walked towards the door of our room.

"No, Lauren. You don't understand..." He ran after me.

"Hell no! Go away! Or i will call a security!," I tried to push him away.

"You need to believe me,"
He said firmly.

"You are crazy! Please go. I need some rest,"

"I told you before that you will be needing a lot of energy..."
The guy spoke, he sounded so worried about what i said.

"You are scaring me. Fuck, i get it now, i'm having weird delusions, or dreams,because i am sleep deprived."
I was catching my breath. I'm starting to have a panic attack.
"This is..Just please leave now.."
I said.

"Lauren. Listen to me i.-i"

"Stop!" I grabbed my phone.
"I will call our security..."
I dialed Jack's number.

"Camila will die!.."
He spoke quickly.

My eyes widened. I looked at him.

"That is what happened on your dream, right? After you declared your love for her. Camila was shot. Then she died at the hospital..."

"How the fuck did you know about that??" I put my phone down.

"Because it is not a dream. It really happened," He answered. "You need to believe me.I know its not easy and this is a lot fot you to take in. But, you are here.. You are back..."

"I d-,dont get it?"
I said. I looked at him confused and scared.

"You said,if you could only turn back the time, you would tell Camila everything, earlier.. as soon as possible.. This is your chance..."
He spoke.

"What do you mean? I can prevent her from dying?" I asked.
I had to ask that, since i have no choice i have nothing to believe right now. This guy was giving me hope, somehow.

"Uhmm.. Okay, that is the reason why i am here, to guide you."
He spoke.
"I am sorry but, you cannot prevent that from happening..."


"Camila will still die... I'm sorry..."
He sighed.

I swallowed hard.
"This is bullshit! Useless! You made me travel back through time, just to re-live the pain?"

"This time travel is not for Camila," He said. "It's for you."

"I don't get it!"
I shook my head.

"You want to make it up to her right? Since you treated her bad this past few years. This is the least thing you could do Lauren. Before she... dies.."

"This is not acceptable. You want me to suffer.. again. And now this is more worst, because i know that at the end of this... she would die."
I muttered.

"No. I don't want you to suffer. I want you to be happy.." He replied.

I ran my hand through my hair.
"You want me to be happy? Camila is going to die! Fuck. I don't know what to believe anymore..."

"Well, if you don't want this to happen, we can go back now. We can go back to the present time.. "
He said firmly.

My eyes widened. He's offering me to go back to reality. The reality that Camila is already dead. Or to just re-live everything and make Camila happy atleast before she dies. That is a very hard choice.

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