Chapter one ✨

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"Come on Amari, it's time to go" my mom said grabbing the last of her things

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"Come on Amari, it's time to go" my mom said grabbing the last of her things.

I sighed. I turned around and took one more look at my house before getting in the car. I'm really gonna miss living in Atlanta. Just then my phone lit up.

Lani 😍✨ - you leave yet? 6:30 am

To: Lani 😍✨ - yup 😕 6:30 am

Lani 😍✨ - don't be sad Mari, I'll come visit you every chance I get 😊💯! 6:31 am

To: Lani 😍✨ - ❤️❤️❤️ 6:31 am

After sending that text I shut my phone off and slipped it back in my pocket. To Detroit I go.
"Mari we're here".

My eyes fluttered open. Looks like I slept for 10 hours. I got out of the car to see this nice average looking house.

"we'll get the boxes out of the car later so just grab your emergency suitcase" my mom said.

I nodded and grabbed it out the car.

I dragged my suit case to the front of the door. I opened the door and walked in. The house was gorgeous and bigger than my other house.


"Yes" she said walking in from behind me.

" it's so pretty". She smiled.

" come on let me show you your room". I nodded.

She led me upstairs. She pointed to one of the rooms. I walked in. It was beautiful.

I sat my suitcase down and flopped down on my bed

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I sat my suitcase down and flopped down on my bed. I got my phone out my pocket and texted lani.

To: Lani 😍✨ - I made it 4:30 pm

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