Chapter 9 - Two Feet Tall

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***Harry's POV

I can't believe Bea thinks my problem is her fault.

Knowing that she blames herself makes me feel even worse. While she is the reason for the blood flow, I'm the one who can't control Harry Junior.

Sex is all I can think about now that it's off limits for a while.

A long fucking while.

How and where I want to take my wife consume my thoughts. In our bed, in the shower, bent over the kitchen table; I just want to ravage Bea and show her how much I love her.

But I can't in that way.

Damn. I need a hobby.

Letting out a frustrated breath, I walk into our room to the sound of Seb's screeching.

And it's not helping my headache.

"Hi, Dadda!" Ferris quickly stands on the bed, holding her dolly in her arms. "Watch Barney with me."

"In a minute, Love," I kindly say. "Can you sit on your bum, please? I don't want you to fall off and get hurt."

"Okay," she hops and lands on her bum with a bounce and she giggles.

"Thank you, silly girl," I shake my head with a smile. As I reach to pick up Seb, I notice that he's spit up quite a bit. "Oh, Seb."

I take the burp cloth and wipe his mouth, chin and cheeks.

Even his ears.

Poor little guy.

I carefully pick up my boy and cradle him in my arms to calm him down, but he's just not having it.

"Shhh, it's okay, Seb," I bring him up to my shoulder, thinking that might ease the pressure in his tummy.

"Why is Baby Brother crying?"

"He's okay, Love," I smile to convince her. "He's a baby and babies cry."

"Oh," she says and lays down on her tummy, holding her head up to watch her show.

As I gently sway from side to side, I honestly think something might be wrong with Seb.

Could it be an allergy? GERD? Shit, my baby could be in pain.

I'll bring it up at his one-week check-up, but if it worsens, I definitely won't wait a bloody week.

"What's wrong with Sebastian?"

Bea's worried tone snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to her as she walks out of the loo.

"I think his tummy is upset," I walk over to her, patting Seb's back. "Have you noticed he spits up a lot?"

"Not any more than normal," she shakes her head but quickly turns panicked. "Oh my God, do you think something's wrong? Should we go to the emergency room?"

"Woah, take a deep breath, Bea. Let's keep an eye on him and we'll ask Dr. Trammel next week."

"Okay," she says unconvincingly. "Can I hold my baby?"

"Of course," I gently place him in Bea's arms and he stops crying. "Little traitor."

"Hey, you have Ferris so it's only fair that I get the boy," she sticks her tongue out and my jaw drops.

"Did you just-"

"Yep," she giggles. "Oh, while you're here, can you tie my blouse for me, please?"

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