Chapter 36 - John Hancock

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***Bea's POV

Balancing the serving tray in my hands, I make my way upstairs with my sniffling little girl holding onto my pant leg.

It breaks my heart that she fell from the kitchen chair when I was just ten feet away from her.

I should've been paying more attention. No, it's not your fault. You can't cover her in bubble wrap. Accidents happen. You're not a bad mom, Bea.

As we reach the top of the stairs, I snap myself out of my thoughts so I can come up with a plan. I need to figure out what to do because Ferris can't go with me into my bedroom. The last thing I need is for her to catch Harry's cold.

Then it hits me.

"Ferris, would you like to play in your room, with your new dolly, like a big girl?" I ask in a fun tone and she looks up at me, nodding with her thumb in her mouth. "Okay, follow Mommy, sweet girl."

As soon as we come to her room, she squeals and runs over to her little princess table. I smile to myself, knowing she's okay in her make-believe world with her dolly at the moment.

I carefully close the gate and leave before she notices. As I walk down the hall to my bedroom, I hear her singing and giggling and it warms my heart.

I love her so much.

Balancing the tray in my arm, I open my bedroom door slowly just in case Harry's sleeping and I peek inside. There's no movement under the pile of blankets, so I walk over to his side of the bed and carefully set the tray on his nightstand. I hear the covers ruffle and I look over just as Harry pokes his head out from the under the blanket.

"Hey, sleepy head," I greet him with a smile before covering my nose with my blouse so I don't breathe in his germs.

"Hey, Love," he groggily says, rubbing his eyes.

"I brought you some soup and orange juice when you feel up to it," I tell him and he peers over the pillow to look, nodding before laying his head back down. "How are you feeling?" I ask, placing my hand on his forehead. "You're still warm."

"I feel like shit," he mumbles, burying his head in his pillow and he coughs a few times. The gurgled sound hurts my own throat and he looks up at me before closing his eyes. "How are you and the kids doing?"

"We're fine. I'm gonna get you a cool washcloth. Okay?"

With his lethargic nod, I walk into our bathroom, all the while hearing him cough in between weak groans. I grab a washcloth from the linen closet and walk over to the sink, hoping and praying that he gets over this cold soon.

After dampening the washcloth and ringing out the excess water, I grab his cold medicine from the counter. Even though it's not time for his next dose, I want to get it ready for him.

Before I leave the bathroom, I give myself a pep talk in the mirror, telling myself that I'm strong enough to get through this and I also remind myself not to panic.

Sighing a heavy breath, I pull my blouse up again and walk back into our bedroom.

"Okay-" I pause, smiling fondly at my sleeping husband.

I gently place the damp washcloth over his forehead and he doesn't even flinch. He's out like a light. As I pour the medicine in the plastic cap, his stuffy snores break my heart and I wish I could just take his cold away.

Sighing, I tuck the blanket over his shoulder and whisper that I love him. I grab Sebastian's bottle from the tray and walk into our bathroom.

After using the toilet, I wash my hands and make my way out of our bedroom. I quietly shut the door behind me, smiling when I hear Ferris singing in her room.

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