Chapter 68 - Drunken Confession

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***Harry's POV

"Do you need help inside, mate?" Eli asks from his car and I can tell that he's laughing at me.

Because he is laughing.

"Nope, I've got it," I wave a thumbs up behind me and continue toward the house. "S'just a couple of itty bitty steps and there's a hand thing. Hey! I can hold onto it."

Eli laughs even louder and I flip him off this time, quickly grabbing onto the handrail. Once I regain my balance, I blow out a breath and take the last step up.

"I made it!" I victoriously say, holding up my arms and Eli applauds out his window.

"Good job, Harry, now go inside and sleep off those pints."

"Okay, you too," I sing-song, waving as he backs out of the driveway. "I love you, mate!"

I don't think he heard me since he's already rolled up the window, but I know he knows that I love him. He's my best friend and I know he loves me too.

My eyes squint at the brake lights of his car when he pulls into his driveway across the street and I wave one more time. My best friend waves back and I feel all warm and tingly inside.

He does love me. We have the best bromance. I ship us. Erm...Heli? Erry? Hahaha oh my God, I'm pissed drunk right now.

Taking my keys from my pocket, I shuffle over to the front door and lean against the doorjamb. After going through every key on my keyring, I finally unlock the door and stumble inside.

"Oops, s'rry, mate," I apologize, immediately laughing when I realize I've apologized to the bloody coat rack.

My smile quickly fades when I notice Bea's pink sweater hanging on one of the hooks. Sighing, I reach out to feel the soft material and memories of her wearing it flood my mind.

It slips from the hook and my reflexes aren't fast enough to catch it and it falls to the floor. I look down at my feet, debating whether or not to pick it up and the mean little shit in me wants to stomp on it. Instead of giving in to my childish side, I pick it up. I bring it to my nose and close my eyes, breathing in Bea's sweet perfume.

"She doesn't even love you anymore, Harry," I remind myself as I hang it back on the hook. "Ugh, m'tired. I should just go to bed," I say out loud, letting my body weight shut the door and I lock the locks.

Using the wall to guide me, I walk over to the staircase and apologize when I hiccup unexpectedly.

"Wait, I'm crawling up the stairs but why am I going upstairs? I don't sleep up there anymore. Ugh, I'm already half way. Might as well keep going. Harry Harry Harry Harry."

Quietly chanting my name, I reach the top of the landing and grab onto the railing to pull myself up. Once I get my balance, I let go and shuffle over to the bedroom that I haven't stepped foot in for a month.

I open the door, shushing it when it creaks and I peek my head inside. It's quite dark but I can still see Bea, all two of her, in the bed and I know she's asleep because she's snoring.

My God, she sounds like a buzz saw. I miss that bloody sound.

I can't hold my balance any longer and I lean into the door, stumbling inside the bedroom. I hold still, waiting for I don't know what and she keeps on snoring.

Quietly humming the Mission Impossible song, I walk over to what used to be my side of our bed and I don't really know why.

"Pssst. Beatrice Emelia, uhm, Sorrentino Styles, are you awake?" I ask in a hushed tone, leaning over the bed and she doesn't budge, so I move to lay down. "Holy shit, I forgot how comfortable this bed is. Y'know something? I don't even care that you don't love me anymore. That was random, but I don't care. It used to break my heart, but now, I'm like ha! I don't care. You've been a bitch to me for over a month, and oh, that reminds me. It's been one month today that Seb passed."

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