Chapter 20 - Cocky Stinker

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A/N: I updated TEWO & TOWO's covers. Idek why. 😂😂😂
Guess I wanted something a little different.

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or nah: 👎🏻
or don't care: 🙄

One last thing...the video at the top is the song Bea plays in this chapter. I think it's beautiful and I hope you like it. I had to bring it back from TEWO.
Just had to. 😊

***Bea's POV

"What's wrong, little man?" I ask my crying baby boy as I gently pick him up from the bassinet. Cradling Sebastian in my arms, I look at his scrunched little face and my heart breaks. "You can tell Mommy what's bothering you. I'm a good listener."

With my baby screeching in my ear, I pace around my bedroom in hopes that it will calm him down.

It doesn't.

Before I resort to calling my mom for help, I go over my checklist.

Changed him. Fed him. Burped him. Oh God, what if it's me? What if he doesn't like me? What if-


Harry's voice snaps me out of my near mental breakdown and I look over as he walks into our bedroom with a worried expression.

"He's just not a happy baby right now," I say through my tears, feeling like a complete failure as a mother. "He won't calm down. Nothing's worked," I tell him while he gently brushes Sebastian's hair. "I've tried everyth- wait! Harry, I've got it. Can you get his car seat, please?"

"To go for a drive?" Harry doubtingly says, shaking his head. "Baby, that didn't work with Ferris so I doubt it will with Seb."

"Not for a drive," I say as I carefully place Sebastian in Harry's arms. "Let's go to the music room."

"Oh, okay," Harry looks at Sebastian, ducking his head to kiss his chubby cheek. "Anything for this little guy. Is Ferris still sleeping?"

"Yeah, she's out like a light," I say as I walk over to my nightstand.

"That medicine really knocks her out, the poor thing," he says and I nod with a heavy sigh while I grab the monitor.

Just another reason why I'm a terrible mother. I can't console my baby and my toddler has a diaper rash. I'm the worst mother ever.

"It'll be okay, Son," Harry kisses Sebastian's forehead before placing him in his car seat.

We make our way downstairs to the music and art room with Sebastian crying the entire time.

"I hope this works," I sigh, glancing at Harry as I situate the piano bench. "Oh shoot, I forgot my stupid donut pillow."

"I brought it, Love," Harry gives me a small smile and centers it on the bench.

"Thanks," I smile shyly at him and sit down slowly. Brushing my fingers on the keys, I try to think of what to play but my baby's cries are so loud that I can't even think straight. "What should I play?"

Harry hums in thought as he spreads out Sebastian's blanket on the closed piano. He gently places the carrier on top and he looks at me with a smirk, "How about our boy's favourite?"

I smile and nod once, knowing which song he's referring to. It's one of the many songs that I played while I was pregnant with Sebastian but it's also the one with the most meaning.

I place my fingers on the keys and as soon as I start playing, my son slows his crying down. I know it has to do with the soothing vibrations but I'd also like to think it's because in some way, he recognizes the tune.

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