Chapter 13 - Cuddle Bunny

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***Bea's POV

The smile Harry gives me is one of relief before he leaves our bedroom.

I guess I did look and sound kind of scary. I never curse.

But when my babies are in danger, the mamma bear in me comes out.

"Hi, Mommy!" Ferris crawls over to me on the bed, smiling her dimpled smile.

"Hi, sweet girl," I say with more meaning than ever. "I love you so much, Ferris."

She stands up and leans into my arm. I kiss her nose, causing her to giggle and I tear up as I look in her gorgeous blue eyes.

It's just me and my kiddos right now while Harry gets some ice for Ferris' bruised back.

When Harry told me that Ferris choked on a grape, he looked like he was reliving that terrifying moment.

I can't imagine what must've been going through his mind. My heart still hasn't calmed down all the way and I wasn't even there, which is probably a good thing.

I know I would've panicked.

I can't put into words how grateful I am that Harry knew what to do and took quick action.

Before I had kids, I would judge parents and think 'how can they let that happen?' and 'oh, I would never do it that way.'

I've learned my lesson that it takes one time; a split second for a parent to turn away and something happen to their child.

Just when I think I'm going to burst into tears, Ferris picks her nose. I laugh and she curiously looks up at me as I get a tissue.

"Can I see your hand, please?" I kindly ask and she holds it up. I wipe off her finger then her nose. "Thank you, sweet girl."

"I wanna hold Baby Brother," Ferris looks at Sebastian and rubs his head.

"Would you like to help Mommy burp him first?" I lift Sebastian to my shoulder and she nods. "Okay, go like this, but be gentle."

Ferris smiles and pats his back, copying my motion.

"C'mon, burp, Baby Brother," Ferris leans in close to Sebastian's face and giggles.

Poor Sebastian. He's probably thinking, 'Help me, Mom.'

After a few more pats, Sebastian lets out a big burp and Ferris looks up at me.

"He burped," I say with an excited expression. "That means you did a good job."

"Yeah," she kisses him. "Hi, Baby Brother."

"Aw, do you love him?" I ask and she says a quiet 'yeah' while petting his head.

My kiddos are bonding. This is precious. Where's my camera?

But all too soon the lovely moment ends as Ferris becomes bored with her baby brother and lays down with her dolly.

Sebastian makes a little sound as if he's warming up his vocal chords to cry, so I start humming the song I sang while I was pregnant with him.

And he calms down.

At least someone appreciates my horrible voice.

"Mommy loves you, Sebastian," I kiss his little head and look up as Harry walks back in.

He still looks shaken up.

"Ferris, I'm going to put this on your back to make it feel better, okay?" he sits on the edge of bed and she nods, keeping her attention on her dolly.

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